3. Holding Hands in the Park

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The next day, the group of seven thought that it would be a good idea to take a stroll through the park. The weather was nice out, and they needed the fresh air.

However, for Coiny, Pin, and Needle, this wasn't an ordinary stroll through the park. The three of them decided to try and hold hands in public for the first time. They were always hesitant to do so, because they didn't know how people would perceive them. But after talking to the group about their relationship, they felt a lot more confident and weren't gonna let anyone tell them what to do.

As the group of seven entered the park, Pin took a hold of both Coiny and Needles hands, feeling a sense of freedom and happiness they had never experienced before.

As they walked, they received a few curious glances from some people passing by, but they didn't care. They were finally able to show their love for each other in public, without feeling ashamed or embarrassed.

Pin leaned in and gave a quick kiss to both Coiny and Needle, feeling more alive and content than ever before. They continued their walk, laughing and chatting about their plans for the future and the adventures they wanted to take together.

As they continued walking, they found a quiet bench and sat down, enjoying the warm sunshine and the sounds of nature. Saw went to show Gaty a little ducky she found, while Donut and Barf Bag wandered off to a different area of the park.

The trio held each other close, knowing that they were each other's support and love.

A couple walked by, holding hands, and smiled at them. "You guys are so cute," the woman said.

Coiny blushed, feeling a little awkward but grateful for the kind words. "Thank you," he said, smiling back.

Pin leaned in and whispered in Coiny's ear, "I'm proud of us. We've come a long way."

Coiny smiled, feeling her warm breath on his ear. "Me too," he said. "I'm so grateful to have you both in my life."

Needle wrapped her arms around both of them, pulling them close. "We love you too," she said, kissing them both on the cheek.

They sat in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company and feeling content with where they were in life. They knew there would be challenges ahead, but they were ready to face them together, hand in hand.

"I'm gonna go grab some water from the fountain real quick," Coiny said.

Pin smiled. "Okay, but be back soon."

As Coiny walked through the park, he spotted Barf Bag and Donut sitting on a bench, holding hands and giggling like teenagers. They leaned in and shared a quick kiss, causing Coiny to stop in his tracks.

Barf Bag and Donut were his friends, but he had never thought of them as a couple. He didn't know how to react to this new information. Should he feel happy for them or feel upset that he didn't know?

Coiny tried to shake off his conflicting emotions and walked up to them. "Hey guys, what's up?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

Barf Bag and Donut looked up, slightly surprised. "Oh, uh, hey Coiny," Barf Bag said, sounding a little startled.

Donut quickly let go of her hand and scooted over, making room for Coiny to sit. "We were just enjoying the nice weather," she added.

Coiny nodded, but he couldn't shake off the image of them kissing out of his head. He cleared his throat. "Uh, I didn't know you guys were, uh, together," he said awkwardly.

Barf Bag and Donut exchanged a glance, and then Barf Bag spoke up. "Well, it wasn't the case around 5 minutes ago," she said. "We were gonna wait till we all got home to tell you all, but, heh, looks like we don't really need to."

Coiny nodded slowly. "That's great," he said, smiling. "I'm happy for you guys."

There was an awkward silence for a few moments before Donut spoke up. "So, uh, how are things with you and Pin and Needle?" she asked.

Coiny was taken aback by the sudden change of topic, but he quickly recovered. "Uh, things are good," he said, giving them a small smile. "We're happy."

Barf Bag and Donut nodded, but Coiny could tell they were still a little unsure about his polyamorous relationship. He didn't blame them. It wasn't exactly the norm.

Feeling uncomfortable, Coiny decided it was time to go. "Well, I think we should get going back to the others," he said, standing up.

Barf Bag and Donut got up and followed him, as they all walked away, his mind racing with thoughts. He was thrilled to see them so happy together, and was excited for what the future held for them.


Damn do I have motivation or what. Yes, I know this books pacing feels a little fast (and it might continue to be that way for a bit), but don't worry, things are going to settle down eventually (I'm dealing with three ships under one roof bear with me). But other then that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one!

- Sunny 

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