16. Love Takes Center Stage

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The days leading up to the wedding were a whirlwind of emotions, preparations, and newfound anticipation. Pin had shared about her pregnancy to the rest of Team8s, and needless to say, they were very happy and supportive, adding a layer of excitement and joy to the atmosphere.

As the wedding day dawned, the atmosphere was charged with a unique blend of nervousness and joy. The venue was adorned with flowers, and the team worked tirelessly to ensure every detail was perfect. Coiny, Pin, and Needle were getting ready in separate rooms, surrounded by their closest friends who had become family.

Coiny, dressed in his sharp black suit, couldn't help but fidget with his bowtie as he awaited the moment. Donut, who was helping him get ready, shared reassuring smiles.

"Remember, you've got this, Coiny," Donut encouraged, patting him on the back.

Meanwhile, Pin and Needle were in their rooms, each getting ready in their own unique way. Saw and Barf Bag were helping Needle with her dress, offering words of support and excitement.

"You look stunning, Needle," Saw exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy.

Barf Bag added, "Coiny won't know what hit him when he sees you walking down the aisle."

Needle blushed, a mix of nerves and happiness bubbling within her. Pin, on the other hand, was going through a whirlwind of emotions as she stared at herself in the mirror.

"This is it," Gaty said, offering a supportive smile. "Your love story is taking a beautiful turn, Pin."

As the final touches were made, the time had come for the ceremony. The team gathered outside the venue, eagerly awaiting the moment when Coiny, Pin, and Needle would exchange vows and rings. The air was filled with anticipation, and even the flowers seemed to sway with excitement.

The gentle hum of conversation among the gathered friends and family members subsided as the music began to play, signaling the commencement of the ceremony. The atmosphere buzzed with a mix of emotions - excitement, happiness, and a touch of nostalgia for the journey that had brought them all to this moment.

The venue's doors opened, and the guests, which consisted of many of their old friends and fellow competitors, turned their attention toward the aisle. First to walk down was Coiny, looking dapper in his well-fitted suit. His eyes were fixed on the spot where Needle would soon appear. The air seemed to hold its breath, building the anticipation.

Then, the music shifted, and all eyes turned toward Needle, escorted by Saw and Barf Bag. The delicate lace of her dress gracefully swirled with every step. Coiny's breath caught as he saw Needle, his eyes reflecting the love he felt for her.

Pin, on the other hand, stood in her room, a vision of grace and elegance. She took a deep breath, steadying herself for the momentous occasion. Gaty, who had been with her throughout the preparations, offered a comforting smile.

"You've got this, Pin. You're ready," Gaty reassured.

As Needle reached Coiny, the two shared a brief, intimate moment, exchanging smiles that spoke volumes.

Then, it was time for Pin. As she walked down the aisle, there were several gasps heard from the crowd. Her outfit, a black velvet tuxedo gown, was like nothing anyone had seen before.

Her eyes met Coiny and Needle, and a shared understanding passed between them. The ceremony continued, as they each shared their vows.

Through their vows and ring exchanges, many memories were shared throughout, from when they hiked to the summit of Yoyle Mountain, all the way up to when they found out they were having a baby just last week, which caused loud cheers from the guests.

Once all was said and done, the officiant smiled at the trio. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you a family bound by love, commitment, and a journey that's uniquely yours."

Coiny, Pin, and Needle exchanged triumphant glances, their hands interlocked. The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, celebrating the union of these three extraordinary individuals.

As they made their way back down the aisle, now officially a family, the atmosphere buzzed with joy. The guests showered them with confetti, and the air was filled with laughter and the sweet melody of celebration.

The reception was a lively affair, filled with heartfelt toasts and moments of pure bliss. Over the course of the night, they were approached by many of their other friends from the competition.

"Hey, just wanted to pop over here and say congrats," said Nickel.

"Thanks, Nickel!" Needle replied, a wide smile on her face. "So glad to have you along for the journey."

The congratulatory messages continued as the trio mingled with the rest of Team8s. Fiery, who was thrilled for the newlyweds, went up to them soon after.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't dumb Coiny!" he said, laughing

Coiny laughed. "Never thought you'd be at my wedding."

"Well here we are," Fiery smirked. "But seriously, congrats man, you deserve this, you all deserve this."

"Thanks dude, I appreciate it."

After talking to a few more people, Pin felt someone giving her a hug from behind her.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE MY FRIENDS ARE HAVING A BABY!!!!!" Leafy exclaimed. She let go of Pin, and quickly went up and gave Coiny and Needle a quick hug.

"Honestly, I can't believe it either," Pin said, "in less than 8 months, we're gonna be parents!"

"Great ones too," Leafy said. "Congratulations on your marriage!"

"Thanks," Pin said.

​​As the night progressed, Two made sure to make an appearance. The trio, along with their friends, gathered around as Two congratulated them.

"Congratulations, Coiny, Pin, and Needle! It's always so beautiful watching all you contestants start the next chapter of their lives," Two announced, a smile gracing their face.

"Thank you, Two! It means a lot to us," Pin replied, feeling a sense of validation from the host of one of the many competitions that had brought them together.

Two continued, "Love knows no bounds, and your journey has proven that. May your days be filled with joy, laughter, and the unexpected twists that make life truly memorable."

With those words, Two disappeared into the night, leaving the trio and their friends to continue the celebration. The dance floor remained alive with energetic moves, and the laughter echoed in the air.

As the night came to an end, the trio found themselves standing under a starlit sky once again. The festivities had created memories that would be cherished forever.

"Who would have thought we'd end up here?" Coiny mused, his gaze filled with love as he looked at Pin and Needle.

Pin smiled, "Life is full of surprises, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Needle added, "To unexpected love, shared adventures, and a future that's uniquely ours."

They stood there, hand in hand, ready to face whatever came their way. The journey of love, friendship, and family had taken center stage, and as they looked toward the horizon, the dawn of a new chapter awaited them.

With hearts full of love and a bond unbreakable, Coiny, Pin, and Needle walked into the future, knowing that their extraordinary love story had only just begun.


Oh my god I forgot how hard weddings are to write. IDK what makes them so hard, they just are. Eh, whatever, this came out okay, I guess. Much more to come soon, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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