29. Adjusting to Parenthood

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As the first few days of little Thread's life unfolded, Pin, Coiny, and Needle realized that they had a lot to learn about caring for their little one, and they hadn't even left the hospital yet! It didn't take long to notice that Thread had filled her diaper for the first time. Needle called the doctor over, and they helped teach them how to change her diaper.

"Well, not going to lie, I never would have thought that I would be changing diapers 10 months ago," Coiny said.

Needle chuckled, gently patting Thread's tiny back as she cradled her. "Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn't it? But we're in this together."

Pin smiled at her partners, "It's still hard to believe that we're parents, and to top it all off, I was on birth control," Pin looked at Thread's face, "but it looks like this cute face wanted to make her way into this world anyway."

"If I'm being honest, I'm so glad she did," Coiny remarked, He stuck his finger near Threads hand and she almost instantly gripped onto it.

In the days that followed, the hospital room became a hub of activity. Nurses came and went, providing guidance on feeding, offering tips on soothing techniques, and ensuring both the baby and the parents were adjusting well. The throuple found themselves in a crash course on newborn care, absorbing information like sponges, eager to be the best parents for little Thread.

Eventually, the day came when it was time to take Thread home. The throuple had gathered their things and made their way to the car. They placed little thread in their carseat, and Needle drove off, while Coiny sat in the front seat and Pin sat in the back with thread.

Everything they had heard about that first car ride being "the most nerve racking car ride of your life" really came into play as they headed on the road.

"Needle, be very careful," Pin said, nervousness in her voice.

"Maybe just take the sideroads this time," Coiny suggested.

"Think that's a good idea," Needle agreed, glancing at the precious cargo in the back seat. The car ride home felt like a blend of excitement and anxiety, but they made it home safely.

As they entered the front door of their hotel room, the rest of Team8s was there to greet them at the door.

"Welcome home little Thread," Saw cheered.

"Congratulations, Pin, Coiny, and Needle!" Gaty exclaimed, holding a banner that read 'Welcome Home Thread.'

"Look at her, she's so tiny and cute!" Donut added, peering into the car seat.

Thread's arrival had brought a new sense of joy and warmth to the Team8s household. The team members took turns holding her, cooing and making gentle gestures to welcome her into the big Team8s family.

"We've been waiting for you, little one," Barf Bag said, her eyes filled with affection.

As Threads first day at home progressed, the new parents were getting into the groove of feedings and diaper changes. Eventually, it was time for little Thread to take a nap. Pin held her, as she placed Thread into her crib.

"Sleep well little one," Pin said to her.

Once Thread had fallen asleep, Pin met up with the rest of the team in the living room.

"Pin, I feel terrible for not checking in on how YOU are doing," Barf Bag said.

"I'm doing as well as one can be after giving birth," Pin remarked, "it's crazy what our bodies are capable of."

The team was glad to know she was doing okay, "let us know if we can do anything else to help out, I know it's probably gonna be a crazy couple of days," Saw said.

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