36. That's What Friends are For

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The first few days with Gaty out of the house felt weird for everyone, but especially Saw. As much as Saw was happy to see Gaty having a wonderful experience through all the pictures she sent, Saw couldn't help but miss her wife.

The rest of Team8s noticed the sudden change in demeanor, and were quick to try and help her.

Unfortunately, no matter what they did, the absence of Gaty still weighted Saw down. 

One night, the rest of the team put their heads together to try and come up with the best chance of making Saw feel better. Eventually, the team came up with a plan to cheer her up.

"I think I know who to call," Pin said, grabbing her phone.

The next morning, the doorbell to the Team8s house rung.

"Saw, can you go get it," Pin said, a giant smile on her face.

Saw got up to answer the door, "probably just a package."

When Saw opened the door, she saw not a package, but saw Lollipop and Taco, smiles on both of their faces.

Saw was stunned to see her friends at the door after having not seen them since her wedding.

Lollipop smiled, "we heard you could use a little company-"

"LOLLY!" Saw squealed as she jumped into her arms.

"Okay, easy Saw," Lollipop said, trying to hold in her laughter.

"I'm, sorry, I'm just so excited to see you guys, come on in!"

"This place looks nice," Taco said, as she entered the house.

As Taco and Lollipop stepped into the Team8s' house, Saw couldn't contain her excitement. The atmosphere instantly brightened as the lively duo brought their cheerful energy into the home.

"Why I see we have some visitors here," Pin said, as she winked at Lollipop and Taco.

"We're glad to be here," Lollipop said, "so what's been up!"

Saw, still grinning from ear to ear, led Lollipop and Taco into the living room where Coiny and Needle eagerly welcomed them.

Coiny, with Thread in his arms, chimed in, "Well, Saw's been feeling a bit down with Gaty away, and we thought a surprise visit from her friends might lift her spirits."

"You guys are awesome," Saw said.

Taco smiled, "if I'm being honest, we've wanted to visit you for a while now, but I know there have been some big changes in your life so I didn't want to interfere."

"Well I'm glad that you're here now," Saw said. "Speaking of big changes, let me introduce you to the newest addition of Team8s, Thread Copper!" Saw gestured over to the 6 month old child, as Lollipop and Taco stared in awe.

"What a cutie," Lollipop commented, "congratulations to you guys," she said to the throuple.

"Thanks," Needle said, "it's been trial and error for the past six months but I think we've figured out some tricks."

Saw smiled, "let's hed up to my room." Saw led the way as Taco and Lollipop followed. They shut the door behind them. "So how are things going in your lives?"

"You know, the usual days at the Stakehouse," Taco said, "everyone who stayed with Four has worked there one way or another."

"Taco, don't you have anything else to share?" Lollipop questioned, knowing that something big had happened in Taco's life.

Taco rolled her eyes then smiled, "oh, yeah...and this happened." Taco held out her hand, showing Saw the new piece of jewelry she had just received.

Saws jaw dropped, "IS THAT AN ENGAGEMENT RING?"

Taco nodded. It wasn't long until Saw pulled her in for a hug.

"CONGRATULATIONS! I always knew you and Blocky made such a cute couple."

"Thanks Saw," Taco said, still smushed by the hug, "uh...you can let go now."

Saw released Taco from the hug, a beaming smile on her face. "This is amazing news! Blocky must be thrilled."

Taco chuckled, "Oh, you have no idea. He was so nervous about proposing, but it turned out perfect."

Lollipop teased, "Well, it's about time you two took that step. We've been waiting for this."

Saw joined in the laughter, "I'm so happy for you, Taco. And I can't wait to hear all the details."

Taco grinned, "You'll get the full scoop, promise. But enough about me, what's been happening with you since the wedding?"

Saw's expression softened, "Well, life's been a bit quieter without Gaty around. I miss her a lot, but having you two here is already making things better."

Lollipop patted Saw's shoulder, "That's what friends are for. We're here to bring some joy into your days."

As the trio continued chatting, Needle entered the room, holding Thread in her arms. The baby cooed, seemingly excited about the new visitors.

Lollipop couldn't help but coo back, "Well, aren't you just the cutest little addition to Team8s?"

Needle chuckled, "Thread has been stealing the spotlight lately. We're still figuring out the whole parenting thing, but it's been an adventure."

Taco grinned, "Looks like Team8s is growing in more ways than one – you guys are really leveling up."

Saw laughed, "We're just trying to keep life interesting. But having you both here is definitely the highlight of the day."

As the conversation continued, the room filled with the warmth of friendship, laughter, and the promise of more celebrations to come. The unexpected reunion had turned what started as a dull day into a joyous occasion, and Saw couldn't have been more grateful for the surprise visit from her friends.


Okay but for real can these three interact again? Seriously, they all have such contrasting personalities yet they all clash so well with each other. Anyway, you guys got a short and sweet chapter. The next chapter is not gonna be one to miss, so see you all then!

- Sunny

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