23. The Final Wedding

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Saw and Gaty's wedding day approached quickly and the entire team was ready. Needle and Barf Bag were helping Saw get ready. Saw had chosen out a beautiful white dress that went all the way down to her ankles.

"You look gorgeous, Saw!" Needle said. "Gaty won't know what hit her!"

"Thanks Needle," Saw said, still looking visibly nervous.

Barf Bag, who knew what Saw was going through, offered some words of advice. "Just take some deep breaths, you're gonna be amazing!"

Meanwhile, in another room, Donut, Coiny, and Pin were helping Gaty get ready.

"Look at you Gaty," Pin said, "I'm so glad to see you in my dress, it looks amazing on you!"

"Thanks again for letting me wear it Pin," Gaty said with a smile.

Gaty's reflection in the mirror adorned in Pin's wedding tuxedo dress brought a smile to everyone's faces. Donut, with a tear in his eye, remarked, "You're going to be the most beautiful bride."

Coiny chimed in, "I never thought I'd see the day when Gaty's in a dress, let alone a wedding dress!"

Gaty laughed, feeling the camaraderie and support of her friends. "Well, it's a special occasion, isn't it?"

Back in Saw's room, Needle was putting the finishing touches on Saw's dress. "There we go, all set!"

Saw took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. Barf Bag gave her an encouraging smile. "Remember, it's not about the dress or the venue; it's about you and Gaty. The love you two share is what makes this day truly special."

As the ceremony approached, Saw and Gaty each took a moment to reflect on their journey. From the challenges of the competition to the formation of Team8s, their bond had grown stronger with each passing day.

The wedding venue was decorated with an elegant mix of flowers, reflecting the unique combination of Saw and Gaty's personalities. The team gathered, taking their places for the ceremony.

The music started, and Saw walked down the aisle, her eyes fixed on Gaty at the altar. Gaty, in Pin's wedding tuxedo dress, looked back with admiration and love.

The officiant began the ceremony with heartfelt words about love, friendship, and the journey that led Saw and Gaty to this moment.

Saw and Gaty exchanged vows, their promises echoing through the venue. Gaty, surprising everyone with her eloquence, spoke of their shared adventures and the unwavering support she found in Saw. Saw, with tears of joy in her eyes, promised a lifetime of laughter, understanding, and love.

As they exchanged rings, symbolizing the eternity of their commitment, the officeient declared, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you partners for life. You may kiss the bride."

Saw and Gaty shared a sweet, heartfelt kiss, sealing their vows. The room erupted in cheers and applause as they walked back down the aisle as a married couple.

The celebration continued with a lively reception. The dance floor was alive with laughter and joy as Team8s celebrated the union of Saw and Gaty.

"SAW, GATY!!!" the now married couple heard. They quickly turned around to find Taco running at them at full speed. She jumped onto them and gave them a hug.

"TACO! I'm so glad you're here!" Saw squealed, as she wrapped her arms around Taco.

"Why wouldn't I be, you guys are like, two of my closest friends!"

As they all continued to chat away, Lollipop quickly found all of them.

"Hey hey hey," She said.

"LOLLY!" Saw quickly jumped on her as Gaty chuckled a little bit.

"Waoh, someones eager," Lollipop said.

"Sorry I'm just really excited to see you," Saw said.

"Wanted to pop over here and say congrats to you guys," Lollipop continued, "You know, despite the chaos and challenges we've faced, seeing you two tie the knot is truly heartwarming."

Gaty smiled, "Thank you, Lolly. It means a lot to us that you're here."

Taco chimed in, "Yeah, we were just reminiscing about our adventures, and it's crazy how far we've come."

As the night progressed, the festivities continued. The dance floor was alive with Team8s showing off their best moves. Laughter echoed through the venue, and the atmosphere was filled with love and joy.

Later in the evening, as Saw and Gaty were enjoying a quiet moment together, Coiny approached them with a mischievous grin. "Hey, lovebirds, ready for a surprise?"

Saw raised an eyebrow, "Surprise? What did you plan, Coiny?"

Coiny gestured toward the stage, where a karaoke setup had magically appeared. "Karaoke time! I thought we'd kick things up a notch. What do you say?"

Saw and Gaty exchanged amused glances before bursting into laughter. "Why not?" Gaty said, "Let's make it unforgettable!"

The Team8s took turns singing their favorite songs, celebrating the night with laughter and music. Saw and Gaty even surprised everyone with a duet, showcasing not only their love but also their surprisingly harmonious voices.

As the night came to an end, Saw and Gaty looked around at their friends, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. The final wedding of Team8s had become a night of joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments.

With the love and support of their friends, Saw and Gaty embraced the beginning of their married life, ready to face whatever adventures awaited them. The bond of Team8s remained unbreakable, and as they danced the night away, the memories of this special day became etched in their hearts forever.


All the weddings are done, YAY! Now we get to go on to the fun stuff, and I'm really excited for you guys to see what's in store! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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