21. A Glimpse of Joy

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As Barf Bag and Donut began their first days as a married couple, it was time for Pin's 20 week ultrasound.

As the throuple sat in the waiting room of the clinic, they couldn't contain their excitement.

"I can't wait to actually see our little one," Needle said.

Coiny squeezed Pin's hand, offering a reassuring smile. "Our family is about to get a little bigger and a whole lot more adorable."

The door to the examination room opened, and a friendly nurse called out, "Pin, Coiny, Needle, we're ready for you."

The throuple stood up, their hearts pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. They followed the nurse into the room, where the ultrasound machine awaited, its screen ready to reveal the first glimpses of the precious life growing within Pin.

As Pin settled onto the examination table, Coiny and Needle took their places by her side. The ultrasound technician, a kind and experienced professional, greeted them warmly.

"Are you all ready to meet your baby?" the technician asked with a warm smile.

Pin nodded, her eyes brimming with emotion. "More than ready."

The room filled with a gentle hum as the ultrasound began. The throuple's eyes were fixed on the monitor, where the black-and-white images slowly came into view. The technician expertly maneuvered the wand, and the room was filled with the rhythmic sound of the baby's heartbeat.

"There's your little one," the technician announced, pointing to the screen.

A collective gasp of joy escaped from Pin, Coiny, and Needle. On the monitor, they could see the delicate features of their baby.

Tears of happiness welled up in Needle's eyes. "Our baby is perfect."

The technician continued to guide them through the ultrasound, pointing out the different parts of the baby's developing body. Each revelation deepened the throuple's connection to the new life they were bringing into the world.

The technician wanted to ask them another question, "Would you like me to tell you the sex of the baby, or are you keeping it a surprise?"

The throuple had discussed this before coming into the clinic. They all briefly nodded at each other before Pin gave a response.

"We would really like to know now!"

The technician moved the wand around, before giving them the reveal, "well, it looks like you're having a baby girl!"

A wave of joy and excitement washed over Pin, Coiny, and Needle. Their eyes met, and the realization that they were soon to welcome a baby girl into their lives filled the room with warmth.

"A girl! That's amazing!" Coiny exclaimed, his smile widening.

Needle's eyes shimmered with happy tears as she looked at Pin. "She's gonna be beautiful!"

The technician continued to share more details about the baby's development, her measurements, and the various features that could be observed in the ultrasound.

As the ultrasound session concluded, the throuple left the examination room, clutching the precious ultrasound images of their unborn daughter.

As they entered their hotel room, the rest of the team could see the excitement on their faces.

"Seems like the appointment went well," Barf Bag said, excited for the throuple.

Pin smiled back at her, "It went beyond well. We saw our baby for the first time, and we found out we're having a girl!"

The room erupted into cheers as the Team8s gathered around to share in the joy of the moment.

"Your little girl is going to have some awesome parents," Gaty proclaimed.

As the celebration continued, Coiny couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude. He looked at Pin and Needle, realizing how this unexpected journey had brought them together and forged a bond that was stronger than ever.

Barf Bag and Donut, still in the glow of their recent marriage, offered their congratulations and support.

"You three are going to be amazing parents," Donut said, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his words.

The Team8s spent the evening sharing stories, laughter, and dreams for the future. As the night wore on, and the celebration began to wind down, Pin, Coiny, and Needle found a quiet moment to reflect.

"Can you believe it?" Pin whispered, her eyes filled with wonder.

Coiny wrapped his arms around her. "I can! I know we weren't initially planning to have a kid so soon, but I wouldn't want it any other way, and this is just the beginning!"

Needle, standing beside them, placed a hand on Pin's belly, her eyes sparkling with love and anticipation. "That's our little girl in there."

And so, as the night settled into a gentle calm, the throuple, now a growing family, embraced the journey that awaited them.


And that's 4 chapters in 4 days! Quite proud of myself, although don't get used to this as school is starting up again soon. Last chapter of the year too! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and see you all in 2024!

- Sunny

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