19. As Autumn Approaches

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As summer came to a close and fall approached, it was more than just the weather that changed. Gaty and Saw would be receiving some new students in the preschool, and Pin's morning sickness finally started to subside a little as she entered her second trimester; a small bump had even started to become visible as well.

But most importantly of all was the first out of two weddings that were on the horizon, that being Barf Bag and Donuts of course.

With the venue booked, the couple just needed to go out and buy their dresses.

The two had an autumn theme that they wanted to go for. Instead of white dress and a black suit, they really wanted more pastel outfits for the wedding.

Instead of going out and looking at wedding attire, they mostly looked at some outfits online.

"Gaty, Gaty, come over here!" Barf Bag squealed.

Gaty went up to Barf Bag. "Found another dress you like?"

"Yeah, isn't it pretty? I really like the color!"

Gaty glanced at Barf Bags laptop to see the dress. It was a beige dress, which matched perfectly with the autumn theme of their wedding.

"That has to be my personal favorite that you've shown me, is it in stock anywhere?"

"Yeah, but it's only available like an hour away from here," Barf Bag said, slightly disappointed.

"Well, it's your special day, if I were you, I'd go for it," Gaty exclaimed.

Saw had overheard Gaty and Barf Bag looking at the dress and wanted to see it,

"Are you kidding me Barfy," Saw said excitedly, "I'd drive a good 3 hours both ways for that dress, it matches with you so well!"

Barf Bag smiled, "It looks like I know what dress I'm going for!"

Gaty had another suggestion for Barf Bag. "Maybe see if that boutique has any other dresses you might like, it would be a shame for you to drive all the way there and for you not to like it."

"I like that suggestion, Gaty," Barf Bag said, with a smile, "I'll go look at some more, and then see if I can find a time to head over there."

Meanwhile, Coiny, Pin, and Needle were helping Donut find a suit in another room.

"Okay, lets think, what color are you going for Donut," Needle asked.

"I was thinking of going with a deep burgundy or maybe a forest green to match the autumn theme," Donut replied, scrolling through some options online.

Coiny nodded, "Good choices. Deep colors will definitely suit the season."

After some browsing, they found a stylish forest green suit that caught Donut's eye. He showed it to them, and they all agreed it was a fantastic choice.

"I like it," Pin said, giving a thumbs up. "You're gonna look sharp on your big day, Donut."

Needle added, "Plus, Barf Bag's gonna love it."

"I hope she does," Donut remarked. "I found it at this store in southern Goiky, so hopefully it's the one!"


The Next day, Barf Bag went with Saw to go get the dress she wanted.

"You don't know how excited I am to see that dress on you," Saw squealed.

Barf Bag laughed, her excitement contagious. "I can't wait either. I hope it looks as good on me as it does in the pictures."

As they entered the boutique, a friendly sales associate greeted them. Barf Bag explained the dress they were looking for, and the associate led them to the fitting room with the chosen dress and a few other options.

As Barf Bag tried on the dresses, Saw couldn't contain her excitement. "Barfy, you look stunning in all of them! But that beige one... it's magical."

Barf Bag blushed, her eyes sparkling. "I think you might be right. This one just feels right, you know?"

Saw nodded, "Absolutely. It's perfect for the autumn wedding. But it's also perfect because it's you wearing it."

Barf Bag smiled, feeling the warmth of Saw's words. After making the final decision, they purchased the dress, and Barf Bag couldn't wait for the day when she would walk down the aisle in that beautiful gown.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Gaty went with Donut to the men's clothing store, searching for the perfect forest green suit.

After trying on a few options, Donut found the one that felt just right. The deep green complemented the autumn theme, and the fit was impeccable.

Gaty grinned, giving Donut a hearty pat on the back. "Looking sharp, Donut! You're gonna sweep Barf Bag off her feet in that suit. You're going to be one dashing groom."

With the suit chosen and alterations scheduled, the excitement for the upcoming wedding grew even more.

Once the four got home from shopping, and Coiny, Pin, and Needle got home from the bakery, they chatted away as they ate their dinner. Dinner for tonight was made by Pin, which was another spicy soup that she found online. The aroma of the soup filled the house, creating a cozy atmosphere.

As they enjoyed the meal, Barf Bag and Donut shared their experiences from the dress and suit shopping adventures.

"It was such a surreal experience, trying on wedding dresses. I can't believe it's actually happening," Barf Bag exclaimed, her eyes still sparkling with excitement.

Donut nodded in agreement, "Same here. I never thought I'd be picking out a suit for my own wedding. It's a wild ride, but I love it."

Pin, feeling a bit nostalgic, shared a playful smile with Coiny and Needle, "Remember when we were just competing in challenges, and now we're here, helping each other plan weddings."

Coiny chuckled, "Not to mention in just five short months we're gonna be parents!" he said, placing a hand on Pins bump.

Needle added, "But I wouldn't have it any other way. We've come a long way since those days."

As the evening continued, the Team8s shared stories and laughter, reveling in the joy of the upcoming weddings. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and warmth, a reflection of the bonds that had been forged through challenges, adventures, and unexpected twists.

After dinner, they gathered in the living room, sipping on warm tea. Barf Bag couldn't help but remember the car ride when she proposed to Donut.

"I can't wait for the big day," Barf Bag said, her eyes filled with excitement.

Donut wrapped an arm around her, "Me neither. It's going to be nothing too fancy, but it'll be perfect."

Gaty, feeling the happiness in the room, couldn't help but share her own excitement, "And after your wedding, we'll be gearing up for ours!"

Saw smiled. "Looks like love is in the air!"

With the weddings drawing nearer, the Team8s looked forward to the joyous celebrations that awaited them, surrounded by the love and support that had become the foundation of their extraordinary journey together.


Well that was fast. I'm feeling motivated right now so take what you can get guys! See you in the next chapter!

- Sunny 

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