27. The Arrival

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The very next morning, Team8s slowly rose from their beds and gathered in the kitchen for breakfast. It didn't take long for them to notice that Pin was missing.

"Is Pin alright," Gaty asked, concerned for her friend.

"She's having contractions, the real ones we think," Coiny replied.

"I've been keeping track of them on my phone, and they seem to come once every 15 to 20 minutes or so," Needle said.

"They're anywhere from 60 to 90 seconds," Coiny added.

"Looks like she's going into labor," Barf Bag said, "baby is almost here!"

"How are you guys feeling," Saw asked.

"Excited, but very nervous," Needle said.

Coiny added, "We just hope that labor goes smoothly."

"We all hope so too," Donut added.

"Definitely keep timing the contractions," Barf Bag said, "be on the lookout for any changes in pattern."

"I think they get it, Dr. Gutterson," Donut replied.

"GUYS," they heard Pin shout from her room, "I'M HAVING ANOTHER ONE!"

"We're coming, Pin!" Coiny said, as he and Needle went into their room. Coiny and Needle tried to help her through the contraction until it was over.

"Okay, so that was 17 minutes after the last one," Needle noted.

"I cannot wait to get her out of me," Pin said, "these contractions are very uncomfortable, and I know they are only going to get worse as labor progresses."

They all got ready for the day, helping Pin through the contractions when needed, which still seemed to come around 15 to 20 minutes.

Once Pin made it out of her room, the rest of the team went and checked in on her.

"Pin, how are you holding up?" Gaty asked with concern etched on her face.

Pin took a deep breath, her face reflecting a mix of determination and discomfort. "It's intense, but I'm hanging in there. Just need to breathe through them."

Barf Bag stepped forward. "Remember to communicate any changes or if they get closer together. We want to make sure everything is progressing as it should."

"I know, I know," Pin responded, "I'm going to try out some exercise that I heard could help speed up labor.

"Exercise during labor?" Donut raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that, like, counterintuitive?"

Pin managed a small smile despite the discomfort. "It's not intense exercise, just some gentle movements to help things along. Like walking and swaying."

Barf Bag nodded in understanding. "Movement can sometimes assist in progressing labor. Just take it easy and let us know how you feel."

With the team's support, Pin started walking around the room, pausing periodically to sway and breathe through contractions. The others observed with a mix of curiosity and encouragement.

Barf Bag noted, "If at any point it feels too much, don't hesitate to stop. The key is to find what works best for you."

As Pin continued with her gentle exercises, Coiny stayed close, offering a steadying arm when needed. Needle kept a watchful eye on her phone, still tracking the contractions.

After some time, Pin paused, catching her breath. "I think that's enough for now. Thanks, everyone. Let's see if it made any difference."

As the day progressed, Pin's contractions maintained a similar pattern, and the Team8s continued to provide unwavering support. But Pin was starting to become inpatient.

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