9. The 1st Engagement

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It was around 6:00 pm, and Barf Bag had just finished up a 12 hour shift at the hospital. Donut, who had finished up his shift at the desk a half hour before, was waiting for her in their car.

"Busy day, huh," Donut said.

"Yeah," Barf Bag siad, clearly overwhelmed from the busy work day.

Donut looked up at her with a faint smile, "there are so many people who can't do what you Barfy." Barf Bag smiled back at him. While her job could be stressful, no, really stressful at times, it was one of the most rewarding jobs ever.

"Well, at least I'm not dealing with nearly as many people as you do, I mean, I could never in a million years!" Donut laughed, and the two of them drove back to the hotel.

The around 45 minute drive back to the hotel was some of the only time Barf Bag and Donut got truly alone. Sure, there was the drive there, but that was always full of beeping horns and bumper-to-bumper traffic. But on the way back, it was just Donut, Barf Bag, and the night sky.

During these drives, Barf Bag and Donut would always get deep into a conversation - whether it would be about their days, their friends, their deepest thoughts, or whatever was on their mind really. For the couple, it became a routine for them that would strengthen their relationship.

But this particular day, Barf Bag had something interesting on her mind.

Barf Bag and Donuts relationship goes waaay back to early BFB, where an invite to Team Ice Cube! would be the start of a friendship, then gradually, over the course of BFB and TPOT, a friendship became a deep friendship, which would turn into snuggles, which would turn into kisses, which would turn into dates. If asked when the two started dating, the couple would shrug, not really knowing exactly when the word "friend" turned into "partner". Things in their relationship always happened naturally, because, well, that was just the nature of these two.

So when Barf Bag knew that she wanted to marry him, she was just gonna let things happen. She didn't need an expensive diamond ring or a fancy proposal; the two weren't really into all that stuff anyway. Donut always was thinking the same thing about Barf Bag, but he just never felt like it was the right time to bring it up.

It was apparent to the couple that they were gonna spend the rest of their lives together, but they didn't know how they were going to make it official.

But this night was different, because something in Barf Bag's gut kept telling her it was time to bring it up tonight. Not tomorrow, not the next day, no, this needed to happen right in this very car; the same car that brought them closer together with all of their nightly conversations.

"Hey...Donut," Barf bag said, feeling quite nervous.

"What is it Barfy?" Barf Bag looked up at him, and with no hesitation at all she got straight to the point.

"How often have you thought about marriage?" Donut was too stunned to speak. He knew damn well that he thought about it every single day, but the words wouldn't come out and he just muttered back at her.

"Marriage? I mean...I-I don't know Barfy it's just- we've known each other for so long, a-and, it's hard, y-you know."

"I know. But for me, I've thought about it for months. I mean, I just don't see my life without you in it." It felt good for Barf Bag to get that off her chest.

Donut blushed. "Huh, it's just, I've never felt that there was a right time to bring it up to you but...now that I think about it, I feel like it's about time that we make it official."

Barf Bag felt her heart skip a beat, but then responded to him. "Something is telling me it is too."

The two of them stayed silent until they got to a red light. That's when Barf Bag took a tissue and made it into the shape of a ring. Donut couldn't help but chuckle a little at her. She held the tissue in her hand and asked him the question officially. "Donut, will you marry me," she said, chuckling a little bit too.

"I think you know the answer to that one." The two of them headed back home, and shared a kiss the minute they pulled in front of the hotel. The now engaged couple went up to their room to be greeted by Needle, who was watching some TV. She instantly knew that something had happened between the two of them.

"Well you seem extra happy after such a long day," Needle said.

"We'll talk about it in the morning," Barf Bag said.

The two of them went to their bedroom, and were ready to take on the next chapter of their lives.


Hey peeps!

Man, I'm very sorry it's been so long since the last chapter. And, for once, it actually wasn't because of a motivation issue. I've been all over the place these past few months between finals, and lots of summer travel (I'm only home for a week before I'm going away again!). I'm hopeful that I will get another out before the month ends, but no promises. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope to see you all in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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