69. The Trampoline Park Incident

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After spending the night with Book and Taggy, Needle returned to the Team8s household, however, she still kept her distance, especially with Coiny, Pin, and Dimey. Most nights, she slept on the couch, her mind still haunted by the events of that fateful night. Despite her desire to mend things with her partners, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and remorse that weighed heavily on her heart.

Coiny and Pin, recognizing Needle's need for space, respected her boundaries while silently hoping for reconciliation. They continued to care for Dimey and Thread, trying their best to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst the lingering tension in the household.

Despite their best efforts, there was still some lingering tensions throughout the throuple, which everyone seemed to have noticed. Needle was doing some coloring books with Thread, when Coiny came down holding Dimey, who was in desperate need of a diaper change.

"Needle, could you help change Dimey's diaper, I have to help Pin with something real quick," he said.

"Why? I thought you didn't trust me with Dimey," Needle remarked back.

"Well, now it's time to gain your trust back," Coiny said.

Needle shook her head, "I don't trust myself with him Coiny, I'm sorry. What is so important with Pin that it can't wait five minutes. Are you two hiding something from me?"

Coiny took a deep breath, not wanting to add fuel to the fire, "you know what, fine. I'll change him. Thanks for nothing, Needle."

Thread, watching the situation between her parents, decided that it was her time to intervene, "why are you and daddy so sad?" the two year old innocently asked.

Needle sighed, "me, mommy, and daddy are just having some grown-up problems. It's all going to be okay Thread, it's just a little rough right now."

Thread went back to her coloring books, brushing off the situation between her parents.

Meanwhile, the rest of Team8s, who were listening in from the sidelines, were starting to get concerned with the tensions amongst the throuple. They knew it was not going to be healthy for the entire household if this wasn't resolved.

"What are we supposed to do?" Saw asked, "it's not good for those three to be fighting all the time. It's even starting to get to poor Thread!"

As the members of Team8s gathered to discuss the situation, Gaty spoke up, her expression filled with concern. "I think we need to talk to Coiny, Pin, and Needle," she suggested. "We can't just stand by and watch them struggle like this. They need our support."

Saw nodded in agreement, her brow furrowed with worry. "You're right," she said. "But we need to approach this delicately. We don't want to make things worse."

Barf Bag chimed in, her voice soft but determined. "Maybe we could suggest some sort of family outing," she proposed. "I heard that new trampoline park just opened up, I think it would be a lot of fun for all of us to just spend some quality time together."

The suggestion of a family outing to the trampoline park seemed to resonate with the members of Team8s. It offered a chance for Coiny, Pin, and Needle to spend time together in a relaxed environment, away from the stresses of home.

Saw nodded thoughtfully, considering the proposal. "That could be a good idea," she agreed. "A fun day out might help lighten the mood and bring everyone closer together."

Gaty smiled, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "And it's something Thread would love," she added. "She's been asking to go to the trampoline park for weeks now."

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