18. Cravings

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As the next few weeks passed, Pins morning sickness was at peak levels. Even with the rest of Team8s trying to cook foods that they thought she could eat, it was getting tough for her to stomach just about anything.

One afternoon, as Pin rested on the couch, her face showed signs of exhaustion. Coiny, Needle, and the rest of Team8s were doing their best to support her during this challenging time.

"I can't believe morning sickness is an all-day thing," Pin sighed, rubbing her stomach, "I think the baby hates me."

Barf Bag, always attentive to medical matters, chimed in, "It's different for everyone. Some people experience it only in the morning, but for others, it can last throughout the day. Hang in there, Pin. It should ease up in the second trimester."

Pin nodded, appreciating the support. "It better! I don't want to miss anyones wedding because of this!"

Donut replied, "Our wedding is still 2 and a half months away, don't worry about it too much."

"And we haven't even decided on a day yet," Saw exclaimed, "although were planning to have it in mid december, which is ways away."

Pin smiled back at them, "Thanks for making me feel so supported, but I feel like I've tried every remedy out there and it's driving me insane!"

Coiny, determined to find a way to help, suggested, "Maybe there's a specific food or craving that might help. You know, like pickles or ice cream?"

Pin pondered for a moment before her eyes lit up with a spark of realization. "Actually, there is something. Lately, I've been craving spicy food. Like, really spicy."

Needle raised an eyebrow, "Spicy? That's unexpected coming from the baker in the house."

Pin chuckled, "Tell me about it. I used to avoid spicy food, but now it's all I want."

"What type of spicy food were you thinking?" Saw asked.

Pin thought about it for a moment, "I don't know!"

Coiny responded, "Maybe ask the little trouble maker who's making you crave this spiciness."

Pin rolled her eyes then looked at her stomach, "You heard your dad, what do YOU want."

The rest of the team couldn't help but chuckle at what was happening in front of them.

"Let's stick to something simple," Needle suggested, "maybe like soup?"

Gaty liked the idea "Spicy soup could be a good compromise. It's flavorful, warm, and might help with the cravings without being too overwhelming."

Pin agreed, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Let's give it a try."

With the decision made, Team8s rallied to prepare a comforting yet spicy soup for Pin. They followed a recipe that they looked up, and were apple to make enough soup for the whole group

As the aroma of the spicy soup filled the air, Pin rose from the couch as her eyes brightened. "This smells amazing. I hope it does the trick."

"That's the first time I've heard you say that in a bit," Needle said, with a smile.

They served the steaming bowls of soup to Pin, who took a cautious first bite. The flavors danced on her taste buds, and a subtle smile appeared on her face.

"Wow, this is surprisingly good. I didn't expect spicy food to be so satisfying," Pin exclaimed.

Coiny grinned, "Looks like we found a winner. Spicy soup it is!"

Team8s continued to enjoy the meal together, savoring the moment of finding a solution to Pin's cravings.

"You guys are awesome! How'd I get so lucky?" Pin asked.

"Pin, you're growing a baby inside of you," Saw said, "the least we can do is try to make it a bit easier for you."

"Plus, I think we can all agree that we all needed a change of pace from the sandwiches and salads," Barf Bag exclaimed.

Everyone chuckled a little bit.

"I just hope I'm not causing too much trouble with wedding planning," Pin said, feeling a little bad.

"Actually, Barfy and I just sent out the invitations this morning," Donut said, "we've gotten a lot done, we just need to do some final prep before the big day!"

"That's great news! I'm so excited for your wedding," Pin said, her eyes shining with joy.

Barf Bag grinned, "It's going to be nothing too fancy, but we hope it'll be special."

Gaty chimed in, "Sometimes, simplicity adds to the beauty of the moment."

As the Team8s continued to share a warm meal and plan for the upcoming weddings. Despite the challenges and unexpected twists, their bonds of friendship and love only grew stronger.


Another one down! Looks like we have two more weddings! Anyways, not much to say here, hope you have/had a happy holidays! 

- Sunny

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