79. Back in Action

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After months and months of remission, the day finally came: Thread was coming home.

All the adults couldn't have been more thrilled. All the furniture had been adjusted to fit Threads needs, whether it be lowering the furniture, or making wheelchair ramps for Thread. Thread was ready to come home with her family; she'd been in the hospital for way too long and wanted a change of scenery.

At the same time, it was also quite nerve racking for her to come back. How would Bladey and Dimey react to seeing their sister move around in a wheelchair? While the two of them saw the chair at the pool, they didn't get to actually see her moving in the chair.

The adults were also quite nervous for Threads returned. As excited as they were to be with the little girl again, how would she be able to handle her daily life? What if the accommodations to the house didn't work? What if she was going to be an outcast at school? Only time would be able to tell how much Thread's disability would impact her day to day life, but for now, everyone was ready to welcome Thread back into the house.

The throuple got in their car and made their way into the hospital, a wave of emotions filling them on the car ride over. Coiny, Pin, and Needle made sure that they had everything they needed to feel comfortable on the ride back, which included LOTS of pillows.

"I can't believe she's coming home!" Coiny exclaimed, "There's definitely been a void in her absence!"

"Same here!" Pin said, "It's gonna take a team effort, but she's gonna love what we did to the house!"

Needle nodded, her heart full of anticipation and a touch of anxiety. "I just hope everything goes smoothly," she admitted, her voice tinged with worry. "We've made so many adjustments, but you never know how it's all going to work out until you're actually living it."

Coiny reached over, squeezing Needle's hand reassuringly. "We've done everything we can to make sure Thread feels at home," he said softly. "And we'll figure out any challenges together, just like we always do."

As they pulled into the hospital parking lot, a sense of excitement filled the air. They made their way to Thread's room, where she was waiting eagerly with a big smile on her face.

"Thread!" Pin exclaimed, rushing forward to hug her daughter tightly.

Thread hugged her back, her eyes shining with happiness. "Mommy! Mommy! Daddy! You're here!" She pulled her parents into a hug, knowing that she was going home soon.

"We're excited to see you too honey," Needle exclaimed, "Are you ready to come home?"

"YES YES YES!" She shouted, "I want to sleep in my own bed again!"

Coiny nearly had tears in his eyes; he was so proud of his daughter, "your bed is waiting for you! It's gonna be much more comfy than this hospital bed!"

With Thread's excitement palpable, they quickly gathered her belongings and prepared to leave the hospital. Wheeling her out of the room, they were met with smiles and well-wishes from the hospital staff who had grown fond of Thread during her stay.

As they stepped outside, the warm sunshine greeted them, signaling a new chapter for Thread and her family. The car ride back home was filled with laughter and anticipation, Thread eagerly talking about all the things she wanted to do once they arrived.

"I can't wait to go back to school!" Thread exclaimed.

"Auntie Saw and Auntie Gaty have been working extra hard for you to be able to go to school in your wheelchair!" Pin told Thread, "They can't wait to have you back learning and playing!"

"How are Auntie Barf Bag and Uncle Donut doing?" Thread asked.

Coiny responded, "They are excited to have you back, sweet girl!"

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