58. I Didn't Think I Was Crazy

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It was yet another autumn day in the Team8s household. The leaves were just starting to turn colors, and the temperature was finally starting to cool down.

Donut and Barf Bag were in the kitchen, organizing files for work, Thread and Bladey were playing in the living room with Saw and Gaty, and Needle was upstairs in her room having a conversation with Coiny and Pin. All seemed to be going well, until a shouting could be heard from upstairs.

"ARE YOU NUTS!" Coiny shouted, which could be heard across the whole room.

"THERE IS NO WAY WE ARE LETTING YOU DO THAT NEEDLE!" Pin yelled, seemingly agreeing with Coiny.


By this point, Thread and Bladey had heard the shouting, and Saw and Gaty were doing their best to calm them down.

"Shhhh, it's okay you two," Saw said, "it's nothing for you guys to worry about, everything is going to be okay."

Thread seemed to have calmed down, and Saw scooped Bladey up and started swaying her back and forth.

Meanwhile, Gaty started to get furious at the throuple for scaring the children, so she angrily marched upstairs and burst open the door to their room.

"YOU THREE! CUT IT OUT, NOW! Gaty demanded.

"Well I'm sorry Gaty," Coiny said, "but Needle's being ridiculous right now."

"AM NOT!" Needle shouted back.

"Yeah, you are," Pin said, "there's no way we're gonna let you do it! It's not worth it."

"What's not worth it?" Gaty asked.

Needle paused for a minute before responding, "let's get Barf Bag up here, maybe she could actually hear me out unlike you two!"

"Or maybe she could tell you that you're being ridiculous," Coiny snapped.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, ALL OF YOU!" Gaty shouted.

Barf Bag, hearing all the commotion upstairs, turned to Donut with a look of confusion.

"I think you're needed up there, Dr. Gutterson," Donut said.

Barf Bag nodded and headed to the shout-fest that was going on upstairs.

"Woah, what's with all the shouting up here guys?" Barf Bag asked.

"Oh good, she's here," Coiny sternly responded, "Pin and I are going to leave you two be. Come downstairs when you actually get some common sense."

"Uh...okay I guess," Barf Bag said. Gaty, Coiny, and Pin all left the room, leaving Needle and Barf Bag alone.

"What's going on Needle, is everything okay?" Barf Bag asked, concerned etched on her face.

Needle shook her head, clearly in distress, "no...uh...I wish they would just understand where I'm coming from."

"Understand what?" Barf Bag questioned.

Needle took a deep breath, "I don't know how well you've caught on to this, but...I...I don't really like going to the doctor's office."

Barf Bag nodded, "yeah, I've noticed, especially a few weeks ago when you didn't want to make the trip."

Needle continued, "Between the beeps of the machines and all the doctors running around...I don't know, I just feel a little uneasy going there, you know."

Barf Bag understood how she felt, "it's normal to feel nervous at the doctor's office. I've seen it so many times with so many patients, I get where you're coming from Needle."

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