73. There is Still Hope

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While Pin and Needle were busy at the bakery, and the rest of the team was at work, Coiny went and visited Thread at the hospital. It had been a week since she first got admitted, and she was already making so much progress.

It had only been around a day since Coiny had last visited Thread, but it mind as well have been an eternity. He always looked forward to seeing his daughter, whether it be on her good days, or bad days.

As Coiny rode up the elevator, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He never knew what state Thread would be in once he saw her. But, he knew he had to be strong for his little girl.

Once he made his way to her room, he took a deep breath, and gave her door a little knock.

"Come in!" he heard Thread say from inside the room.

"Hey there sweet girl," Coiny whispered, poking his head through the door.

Thread had been getting a little bored at the hospital, but seeing her dad coming to visit always put a smile on her face. "DADDY!" she shouted. All Thread wanted to do at that moment was jump out of the hospital bed and run over to her dad.

Thread opened her arms widely, as Coiny ran into them, giving her daughter a giant hug.

"What have you been up to Thread?" Coiny asked, eventually letting go of her.

Thread reached over and grabbed a coloring book, "they gave me this, and I've been coloring in it a lot!"

"Can I see some of the work you did?" Coiny asked, a giant grin present on his face.

"Mhm," Thread said, as she flipped through the pages of the book, showing off her artwork.

Coiny was glad to see that while her legs may not work, her coloring arms were as good as ever, "you did a lovely job on these!"

Thread giggled, "thanks daddy!"

Just as they were talking, a doctor approached the room, rolling in a wheelchair with her.

Thread's excitement waned slightly as she noticed the doctor entering the room with a wheelchair. She glanced nervously at her father, her expression reflecting a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.

Coiny sensed his daughter's unease and moved closer to her, offering her a reassuring smile. "It's okay, sweetheart," he said softly, his voice filled with encouragement. "The doctor's here to help us, she's gonna try to get you to move around again!"

Threads worries eased up a little. The prospect of moving around again brought a smile to her face, being stuck on the hospital bed for most of the day.

"Hello you two!" the doctor greeted them, a warm smile across her face, "I'm Dr. Type, I'm here to help you start your rehabilitation!"

Coiny smiled, "Hello Dr. Type, I'm Threads father, Coiny," he took his hand and shook hers.

Dr. Type looked over at the shy little girl sitting in the hospital bed, "and you must be Thread Copper!"

"That's right!" Thread said, a smile starting to beam on her face.

Dr. Type walked over to where the wheelchair was, and gestured to Thread, "do you know what this is?" she asked.

Thread nodded, her curiosity piqued. "It's a wheelchair, right?" she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Dr. Type nodded, her smile warm and reassuring. "That's correct, Thread. This wheelchair is going to be your new best friend," she explained gently. "We're going to use it to help you move around and build up your strength."

Thread, while excited to start moving around, was still nervous about the wheelchair. She looked over at her dad, a little bit of fear in her eyes.

Coiny crouched down to her, trying to ease her little two year old nerves, "it's okay to be nervous, Thread. However, I think you might want to give it a try if you want to start moving again."

Dr. Type nodded, "listen to your father sweetheart, who knows you might like it?"

Thread was still a little timid, but put on a brave face and decided to give it a try, "okay, I'm ready."

Coiny gently scooped Thread up from her bed, and carefully placed her down on the wheelchair.

As Thread settled into the wheelchair, she couldn't shake off her lingering nervousness. The sensation of sitting in the chair felt strange and unfamiliar, and she clutched onto the armrests tightly as her father and Dr. Type adjusted the chair to fit her properly.

Coiny knelt down beside Thread, his reassuring presence a source of comfort amidst her uncertainty. "You're doing great, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice filled with pride and encouragement.

Thread took a deep breath, summoning her courage as she prepared to take her first tentative steps in the wheelchair. With a determined expression, she gingerly pushed herself forward, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Dr. Type watched closely, her smile encouraging as Thread navigated the wheelchair with newfound determination. "That's it, Thread! You're doing amazing," she cheered, her voice filled with pride.

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it!" Thread cheered, excited to have at least some form of mobility.

With each push of the wheels, Thread's confidence grew, her initial fears gradually fading away as she embraced the freedom that the wheelchair offered. She rolled around the room with a sense of independence, her smile widening with each passing moment.

"Look at you go, Thread!" Coiny exclaimed. Since the accident, this is the happiest that Coiny has seen his daughter, and seeing her happy almost made him cry.

Eventually, Thread got tired from the wheelchair, "okay, I'm done!"

Dr. Type smiled warmly at Thread's enthusiasm. "You did a fantastic job, Thread!" she said, gently guiding the wheelchair back towards the bed.

Thread nodded, a sense of accomplishment swelling within her. Despite her initial uncertainty, she had conquered her fears and taken a significant step forward in her rehabilitation journey.

Coiny watched with pride as Dr. Type helped Thread back into bed, his heart filled with gratitude for the progress she had made. "You did amazing, sweetheart," he said, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Thread beamed up at her father, a sense of pride radiating from her. "Thanks, Daddy!" she said, her voice filled with happiness.

Dr. Type turned to Coiny, "Thread did an amazing job today," she said, with a smile, "I have no doubt that she is going to do great!"

Coiny nearly had tears in his eyes, knowing that his daughter was going to be okay, "Thanks Dr. Type.

Thread's progress means the world to us," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

Dr. Type nodded, her expression mirroring Coiny's sentiments. "It's truly remarkable to see how far she's come," she replied, her tone warm and encouraging.

With a final nod of appreciation, Dr. Type bid them farewell and left the room, leaving Coiny and Thread to bask in the quiet moments of triumph and gratitude.

Coiny couldn't be more proud of his little girl. Even after what she went through, and what her life was going to look like once she got out of the hospital, the future was bright, thanks to Thread's determination. 


After all the chaos of Threads accident, we finally get another wholesome chapter, and what better way to give you some wholesomeness then some daddy-daughter bonding! Looks like Thread is on the road to recovery! Not much else to say, see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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