33. Starting Our Own?

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Needle's ankle slowly started to heal, and while she still wore the boot, she didn't need the crutches anymore and was well enough to go help Pin and Coiny at the Bakery. Donut and Barf Bag also had to go to work at the Hospital, so Saw and Gaty were left taking care of Thread.

They had put thread down on a mat for some tummy-time, and the now 3 month old was more active than ever. Thread joyfully kicked and wiggled during her tummy-time on the mat, Saw and Gaty exchanged warm glances. The little one's infectious laughter filled the room, creating an atmosphere of pure happiness.

"Aww, Coiny, Pin, and Needle are so lucky to have such a wonderful child," Saw squealed.

"I know, she's really made the Team8s family a lot more bubbly," Gaty replied.

Thread continued playing with her toys, untill Saw and Gaty saw her do something she had never done before. There was a toy on the other side of her that she couldn't quite reach, so little Thread, being the smart baby that she was, rolled over for the very first time.

"DID YOU SEE THAT SAW," Gaty said.


As Saw and Gaty marveled at Thread's newfound skill, they quickly grabbed their phones to capture the moment. With excitement and encouragement, they cooed at Thread as she attempted the roll again.

"Come on, Thread! You can do it!" Saw cheered, holding her phone ready to record.

Thread, seemingly determined, wiggled and kicked until she successfully rolled over, reaching for the toy with a triumphant giggle. Saw and Gaty erupted into cheers, their laughter blending with Thread's infectious joy.

Gaty, filming the adorable scene, couldn't help but share the video with the rest of Team8s. Coiny, Pin, and Needle received the video with pure delight.

Needle: Our little one is growing up so fast 🥹

Coiny: Looks like we have a little gymnast on our hands

Pin: I can't believe I missed it. We'll have to celebrate tonight

Saw and Gaty were so happy to have witnessed the special moment, and more importantly, get to share it with her parents.

Between taking care of Thread and working at the preschool, Saw and Gaty were always surrounded by the sounds of children. They knew how hard it could be sometimes, but they knew the rewards made all the hard times worth it.

That's why Saw wanted to ask the question that had been on both of their minds since they got married.

"Hey Gaty," Saw said.

"Yeah, everything good, Saw?" Gaty responded.

Saw took a deep breath, "You know, as the days go by...I've been thinking about, you know, having a little one of our own soon." Saw was nervous to how Gaty was going to respond. Was she ready? We're they ready?

"You know Saw," Gaty responded, "it feels like it's finally time.

We've been through so much, and I think we're ready for this next chapter in our lives."

Saw's eyes widened with joy, and a huge smile spread across her face. "Gaty, that's amazing! I've been hoping you'd feel the same way. I can't wait to start our own family together."

It wasn't long before Thread started crying.

"Looks like this little gymnast is demanding some attention," Saw chuckled, picking up Thread and cradling her in his arms.

Gaty grinned, "Well, she did just achieve a major milestone. I think she deserves all the attention she wants."

As Saw comforted Thread, Gaty couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and excitement about the future. After being surrounded by so many kids in the preschool for years, she had dreamed of having one to call her own.

Later, when Thread was down for her nap, Coiny, Pin, and Needle arrived home from work.

"It would have been nice if Thread waited till we were all here until she started showing off some tricks," Needle said, "hopefully she's willing to show us in person."

"I'm glad we caught it at least," Gaty said. "How's the ankle holding up Needle?"

"Well actually, hopefully only another week or two until I'm out of this thing," Needle optimistically remarked.

Muffled cries started to fill the room once Thread had heard her parents' voices.

"Looks like someone wants their parents back," Saw said.

"I'll go get her," Pin exclaimed, as she went up to her daughter's room.

As Pin disappeared to tend to Thread, the rest of Team8s gathered in the living room, excitement still lingering in the air from witnessing Thread's adorable achievement. Coiny and Needle settled onto the couch, while Gaty and Saw exchanged a glance filled with shared dreams and newfound joy.

"I can't believe she rolled over for the first time, and we got it on video!" Coiny exclaimed, shaking his head in amazement.

"I know, right? She's growing up so fast," Gaty replied, a twinkle of pride in her eyes.

Needle, though slightly disappointed to have missed the moment, was quick to join in the celebration. "Well, it's moments like these that make being stuck with a healing ankle a bit more bearable."

Saw nodded in agreement. "And it's only the beginning. There are many more firsts to come."

Pin returned to the living room, cradling Thread in her arms. The little one's cries had transformed into soft coos, seemingly content in her mother's embrace.

"She missed her parents, didn't she?" Gaty observed, smiling.

Pin chuckled. "It seems that way. Guess that means we're doing a good job!"

Coiny laughed, "And now she'll be practicing her rolls whenever we're not looking."

As the Team8s bantered and laughed, Pin settled back onto the couch with Thread, who was now peacefully cooing in her mother's arms.

"I can't wait until she can show off her rolls to everyone," Pin said, gently rocking Thread.

Saw, feeling the warmth of the moment, couldn't hold back his excitement about the future. "You know, guys, this got me thinking. As we see Thread grow and achieve all these milestones, Gaty and I were also talking about starting our own family."

Coiny's eyes widened. "Seriously? That's fantastic news!"

Needle grinned. "Looks like our little family is going to get even bigger."

Gaty nodded, "It does feel like the right time for us."

Thread, seemingly sensing the joy in the room, let out a happy gurgle, adding her own voice to the celebration.

Pin hugged Thread a little closer. "I'm so happy for you two. You'll make amazing parents."

Saw beamed. "Thanks, Pin. We're really looking forward to it."

The room was filled with a sense of anticipation and happiness, the shared joy of witnessing Thread's growth and the excitement about the new chapter that awaited Saw and Gaty.


SAWTY FANCHILDREN? You guys will have to wait and see. Anyway, I hope you peeps enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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