38. When to Tell Her

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As the news of Saws pregnancy began to sink in with her throughout the night into the next day, the whole wave of emotions went through her. Regardless, she was so excited to finally be starting a family.

However, she still hadn't told Gaty yet. Heck, Gaty hadn't even known that she was sick. Saw didn't want to add any more stress to Gaty, considering that she had enough to worry about in Costa Rica!

As Saw made her way down to breakfast, still having her morning sickness, the rest of the team was curious on how she was going to share the news with Gaty.

"Have you told her yet," Pin asked, smiling at the thought of Gaty's reaction.

"No actually," Saw responded, "as weird as it sounds, Gaty's in the dark on a lot of what's happened these past few days. I just don't want her worried about me is all, she has enough in her plate."

Needle was curious as to what Saws plan was, "then when do you plan to tell her?"

Saw had thought about it, and she had an idea in mind, "if I'm being honest...I kind of want to wait until she gets back to tell her. I want to share this news with her in person, make it a moment we can cherish together. It just feels right."

The team nodded in agreement, understanding Saw's desire for a more personal and intimate reveal. Coiny chimed in, "That sounds like a great plan, Saw. It'll be a moment she'll remember forever."

Barf Bag was supportive of the decision, "I recommend you get checked out though before she gets back."

Saw nodded, "of course Barf Bag, it would be silly of me not to."

In the following days, Saw took Barf Bag's advice and visited the doctor to ensure everything was progressing well with her pregnancy. The results were reassuring, and Saw couldn't wait for Gaty's return to share the joyous news.

"I'm glad everything's going smoothly," Saw said, "I'm actually already 7 weeks! Once Gaty gets back here I'll be almost 4 months along!"

"A lot will happen between now and then," Pin reminded her.

"Oh I know, at least I got to witness your pregnancy so I know what I'm in for."

Thread, oblivious to the whole situation, was laughing in her high chair waiting for her lunch.

"Speaking of which, it looks like this one wants to try some new baby food," Needle said. Thread has been trying out some new food recently, with some successes and some failures.

Saw had a suggestion, "hey...can I try feeding her, maybe it will be good practice for me."

Needle smiled, "sure, I'll help you."

Saw opened up the jar of food, however, once she got a whiff of it, she started to gag. "And right when I think it goes away, it comes back to me, maybe I can try another day."

Coiny was watching the encounter unfold, "take it easy Saw, if something is bothering you we can always make some accommodations."

Saw was grateful for the support of her friends, "thanks guys, I'm going to head up to my room right now." As Saw headed upstairs, she got a call from Gaty, who she had assumed had just woken up due to the time difference.

Gaty's voice sounded groggy on the other end of the line. "Hey, Saw. How's everything going?"

Saw smiled, not wanting to reveal too much over the phone. "All good here. How's Costa Rica treating you?"

"It's amazing," Gaty replied, excitement evident in her voice. "But I miss you and the team. Anything interesting happening back home?"

Saw hesitated, torn between wanting to share the news and waiting for the perfect moment. "Just the usual. We're holding down the fort, taking care of Thread, you know."

Gaty laughed, "I bet Thread is keeping everyone on their toes. Tell her I miss her."

"Will do," Saw responded, trying to contain her own excitement. "Anything you want to hear about specifically?"

Gaty thought for a moment, "Just tell me about your day, the little things. It makes me feel closer to home."

Saw chatted with Gaty, sharing mundane details about their daily activities, careful not to spill the beans about the pregnancy. As they talked, Saw couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions—excitement, joy, and a tinge of anxiety about keeping the secret.

After a while, Gaty yawned, "I should get some more sleep. I'll talk to you soon, Saw."

"Sleep well, Gaty," Saw replied, hanging up the phone. She took a deep breath, realizing that keeping this secret from Gaty was harder than she thought, but she knew the look on Gaty's face would be worth every minute of it.

As the days turned into weeks, anticipation built up among the team. They all eagerly awaited the moment when Saw would finally get to tell Gaty about the new chapter in their lives. Saw, still experiencing the ups and downs of pregnancy, couldn't help but smile at the thought of the happiness she was about to share with her partner.

The day of Gaty's return drew near, and Saw's excitement was palpable. The team rallied together to prepare a warm welcome for Gaty, knowing that the revelation would make the reunion even more special. Saw's heart raced with anticipation, eager to see the joy on Gaty's face when she heard the news.


Ah, uploading these chapters is the highlight of my day! Anyway, nothing else to say, see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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