46. To the Park We Go

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As spring approached once again, Saw and Gaty thought it would be a fun idea to head out to the park with Bladey for the first time in her short life. The couple also decided it was about time to meet up with Taco and Lollipop again, since a lot has happened in their lives since Saw last hung out with them.

The weather outside was perfect, the sun was shining bright and the temperature was perfect. Saw and Gaty put Bladey in her stroller and headed off to meet their friends.

Once they got to the park, Lollipop and Taco had eagerly been waiting for them.

"Long time no see ladies," Lollipop remarked.

Gaty was happy to see her friends, "yeah, I'm glad we finally got the chance to hang out again after all this time!"

Taco smiled at her friends, "it's been like what, 8 months since we hung out with you Saw, I don't think you even knew you were pregnant!"

"Yeah, I found out like a month or so after you guys came over," Saw replied, as she rocked the stroller back and forth, "and now, we present to you, Bladey Pickets!"

Taco and Lollipop got up from the bench they were sitting at to look at the newborn child.

"She looks absolutely scrumptious," Lollipop commented, "how old is she now?"

"She just turned two weeks old," Saw added.

Taco continued to admire the baby, "I can already see the resemblance to you guys, congratulations girls!"

As Taco and Lollipop cooed over Bladey, Saw and Gaty beamed with pride. They were overjoyed to share their precious daughter with their friends, knowing that she was already loved by so many.

"Thank you, Taco," Gaty said, her voice filled with emotion. "It means the world to us to have your support."

Lollipop nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with excitement. "Bladey is lucky to have such wonderful moms."

The four of them continued to stroll through the park, as Saw pushed Bladey in her stroller.

"So what's been new with you guys," Gaty asked Lollipop and Taco.

"Lots of wedding planning," Taco responded, "Blocky and I haven't caught a break in like the past month!"

Saw understood what they we're going through, "Gaty and I we're there, believe me. I'm sure the wedding is going to be awesome though!"

Lollipop had her own adventures in life, "we're making some renovations to the steakhouse, making it more family-friendly. It's been a whirlwind, but we're excited about the changes."

Gaty smiled, genuinely interested. "That sounds fantastic! I can't wait to see how it turns out."

Saw nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'm sure it'll be amazing. You've always had a great eye for design, Lollipop."

Lollipop blushed, pleased by the compliment. "Thanks, Saw. It's been a lot of work, but I think it'll be worth it in the end."

As they continued their leisurely stroll through the park, the conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared memories. Bladey, seemingly content in her stroller, gazed up at the trees overhead with wide eyes, taking in the sights and sounds of the park.

"So ladies, what's it like being parents now," Lollipop asked.

"It's been a lot of diaper changes and sleepless nights," Saw said, as she looked at Bladey in her stroller, "but its worth it for this little bundle of joy, isn't it angel."

Gaty chimed in "the rest of the Team8s has also been a huge help, especially Coiny, Pin, and Needle, since they were in our position just a little over a year ago."

Taco smiled warmly, understanding the sentiment. "That's wonderful to hear. Having a supportive community makes all the difference, especially during those challenging moments."

Lollipop nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. Parenthood is a journey filled with ups and downs, but it's so rewarding, isn't it?"

Saw and Gaty exchanged a glance, their hearts swelling with love for Bladey. "It truly is," Gaty replied, her voice filled with emotion. "We wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."

As they continued their conversation, Bladey all of the sudden started to cry.

Gaty looked at her newborn daughter, "Looks like someone wants to head home."

Saw gently reached down to comfort Bladey, lifting her out of the stroller and cradling her in her arms. "It's okay, sweetie. Let's get you home."

Taco and Lollipop exchanged understanding glances, knowing the unpredictability of caring for a newborn. "We'll catch up another time," Taco said, smiling warmly. "Bladey needs her rest."

"Absolutely," Lollipop agreed. "Take care, you two, and give Bladey lots of cuddles from us."

With heartfelt goodbyes, Saw and Gaty began their journey back home, Bladey snuggled close to Saw's chest. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the park as they walked.

As they made their way home, Bladey's cries gradually subsided, replaced by soft coos and gurgles. Saw and Gaty exchanged tender smiles, their hearts full of love for their daughter and gratitude for the time spent with their friends.

Arriving home, Saw gently laid Bladey down in her crib, tucking her in with a soft blanket. As Bladey drifted off to sleep, Saw and Gaty stood side by side, watching over her with a sense of wonder and awe.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Gaty whispered, reaching for Saw's hand.

Saw learned against Gaty gently, her eyes shining with love. "She's our little miracle, Gaty. Our world."

Together, they stood in silence for a moment, basking in the peacefulness of their home and the love that surrounded them. And as they settled in for the evening, Saw and Gaty knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them with love, laughter, and unwavering support for each other and their precious daughter.


I almost forgot to upload this before I went to bed, sorry guys! Glad I got it out now for you guys to enjoy! I hope you did end up enjoying this chapter, and I'll see you next time!

- Sunny

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