5. Jealousy Problems

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After being together for around a year now, Pin, Coiny, and Needle had experienced their fair share of ups and downs. Despite their strong love for each other, they sometimes struggled with communication and jealousy.

One day, Pin found herself feeling neglected and resentful towards Coiny and Needle. She had been feeling like the third wheel in their relationship, and she was tired of always feeling left out. She knew that they loved her, but she couldn't help feeling like they didn't prioritize her as much as they did each other.

Coiny and Needle noticed that Pin was upset and they sat her down to talk things out. Pin tried to express her feelings, but she found herself stumbling over her words and struggling to communicate what was bothering her. Coiny and Needle listened patiently, but they didn't fully understand what Pin was feeling.

The next few days were tense between the three of them. Pin felt like they were tiptoeing around each other, and she hated the awkward silence that hung in the air. She knew that they needed to have a real conversation about their relationship, but she didn't know how to bring it up.

Eventually, Pin found Coiny and Needle sitting on the couch, watching TV, and decided it was time to bring it up again. She took a deep breath and sat down next to them. "Hey guys, can we talk for a minute?" she asked.

"Sure, what's up?" Coiny replied, not looking away from the TV.

"I've been feeling neglected lately," Pin said. "I feel like you guys are always too busy for me and don't have time for me anymore."

Needle looked up from her phone. "What do you mean, Pin? We've been spending plenty of time together."

Pin shook her head. "No, I mean quality time. It feels like every time we're together, you're both distracted by something else. I just want to feel like I matter to you both."

Coiny finally turned off the TV and gave Pin his full attention. "We're sorry you feel that way, Pin. We didn't realize we were neglecting you."

"Yeah, we've just been busy with stuff," Needle added.

"I understand that, but it's not just about quantity of time, it's about quality," Pin said. "I want to feel like when we're together, we're really present with each other and not just going through the motions."

Coiny and Needle exchanged a look before Needle spoke up. "Okay, we hear you. What can we do to make it better?"

Pin thought for a moment before speaking. "I don't know exactly, but maybe we could schedule some time together without any distractions. Like, maybe we could have a date night where we leave our phones at home and just focus on each other."

Coiny and Needle both nodded. "That's a good idea, Pin. We can definitely do that," Coiny said.

"And maybe we could also try to be more mindful of our time when we're together," Needle added. "Like, if we're spending time with you, we should really be present and engaged with you."

Pin smiled, feeling relieved. "Thank you both. I really appreciate you listening to me and being willing to work on this with me."

From that day on, Pin noticed a change in her relationship with Coiny and Needle. They started scheduling date nights where they would go out and do something fun together, without any distractions. They also made a conscious effort to be more present when they were spending time with Pin, which made her feel more valued and loved.

However, as time passed, Pin began to feel like Coiny and Needle were still neglecting her. She would often be left out of group activities or conversations, and she felt like they were spending more time with each other than they were with her.

One day, she decided to bring it up again. "Guys, I'm feeling neglected again," she said. "I feel like you're both spending more time with each other than you are with me."

Coiny and Needle exchanged a look before Needle spoke up. "Pin, we love you, but sometimes we just want to spend time together without anyone else around. It's not personal."

"But it feels personal to me," Pin said. "I feel like I'm not as important to you both as you are to each other."

Coiny put his arm around Pin. "That's not true, Pin. We love you and we don't want you to feel neglected. Maybe we can come up with a compromise. Like, we could schedule some time for just the three of us, and then also have some

Finally, Coiny took the lead and suggested that they all sit down and talk things out. He explained that he and Needle loved Pin just as much as they loved each other, but they knew that they had been neglecting her lately. They promised to do better and to make sure that Pin felt included and valued in their relationship.

Over the next few weeks, they worked on their communication and making sure that each of them felt included and valued in the relationship. They went on dates together and made an effort to spend quality time as a trio. Slowly but surely, things started to improve.

However, they still faced occasional challenges. Pin sometimes felt insecure about the closeness between Coiny and Needle, and she struggled with feelings of jealousy. Coiny and Needle made a conscious effort to reassure her and show her how much they loved her.

Despite the obstacles they faced, Pin, Coiny, and Needle were determined to make their relationship work. They knew that it wasn't always going to be easy, but they loved each other enough to keep trying.

As time passed, they grew even closer as a trio. They celebrated each other's achievements and supported each other through difficult times. They knew that they were lucky to have found such a strong, loving partnership and they were grateful for each other every day.


Damn do I love this goddam throuple so much, best decision I ever made. Nothing else really to say, see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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