60. Why Don't They Like Me?

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Gaty and Saw had just finished another day of preschool, and after taking Bladey down for a nap, were now home looking over kids coloring sheets and checking their inboxes.

"Looks like everyone had a good day today in my class," Saw remarked, sorting through the colorful artwork. "These drawings are fantastic!"

"Same here," Gaty said, "it hasn't even been a week at school and we're already whipping out the scissors in my class."

"Ooo, that does sound nice!" Saw replied.

Gaty was on her laptop, going through her email, when she read one that made her freeze in her tracks.

"You okay Gaty," Saw asked, noticing Gaty's sudden change in emotion.

Gaty sighed deeply, "it's just... I had another parent find out I was trans and now wants their kid out of my class."

Saw grew furious. "Again!? Really!? I'm so sorry this keeps happening to you."

Gaty slammed her laptop down and instantly felt a surge of anger run through her, "why does this happen to me every year! What am I doing that's pissing these parents off so much!"

Saw put a comforting hand on Gaty's shoulder, "It's not you, Gaty. It's their ignorance and prejudice. You're an amazing teacher, and these parents are just blinded by their own biases."

Gaty took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I know, but it still hurts. I pour my heart and soul into teaching these kids, and to have parents reject me simply because of who I am... it's hard to take."

Saw nodded in understanding, "I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel. But remember, for every closed-minded parent, there are countless others who appreciate and admire you for the incredible teacher you are."

Gaty sighed, her frustration still palpable. "I just wish people could see past labels and accept others for who they are."

Just then, the two heard a knock on their door.

"Guys, dinners ready," Pin said to them.

"We'll be down in a sec, Pin," Saw responded. As Pin's footsteps retreated down the stairs, Gaty leaned back in her chair, her mind still reeling from the email. Saw squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, offering silent support.

"You know," Saw began softly, "we've talked about this before. Some people are just not ready to accept others for who they are. But that doesn't diminish your worth or the impact you have on your students."

Gaty smiled softly at her, "I know you're right Saw, but it doesn't make it any easier. I'll meet you down for dinner in a second, I just...I just need some time to calm down a little bit."

Saw understood and headed down stairs to the rest of the team eating dinner, who we're quick to notice Gaty's absence.

"Is Gaty okay," Barf Bag asked, knowing how rare it was for her to miss dinner.

Saw shook her head, "she got another email from a transphobic parent who wants their kid out of her class.

Coinys face instantly grew to one of disgust, "That's appalling! How can people be so close-minded?" he exclaimed.

Needle nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Coiny's outrage. "It's discrimination, plain and simple. Gaty doesn't deserve this."

Pin, who had been serving dinner, sighed heavily. "It's unfortunate, but unfortunately not uncommon. We live in a world where some people refuse to accept others for who they are."

Needle chimed in, "But we also live in a world where there are people like Gaty who stand up for what's right and make a positive difference every day."

Saw nodded, grateful for her friends' support. "You're right. Gaty is an incredible teacher, and nothing will change that. But it still hurts to see her face this kind of prejudice."

Pin placed a comforting hand on Saw. "We'll be here for her, no matter what. And we'll do everything we can to support her through this. Like we always have."

As Saw sat at the dinner table, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that hung over the room. Gaty's absence weighed heavily on everyone's minds, a stark reminder of the discrimination and prejudice that still existed in their world.

Barf Bag, trying to lighten the mood, attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction. "So, uh, anyone up for a game after dinner?" she asked, but her attempt fell flat as the somber atmosphere persisted.

Coiny, usually the first to jump at the chance for a game, shook his head. "I think we should wait for Gaty. It won't be the same without her."

Pin nodded in agreement. "I'll go check on her," she said, rising from her seat and making her way upstairs.

Meanwhile, Gaty sat in her room, her thoughts swirling with frustration and anger. She appreciated her friends' support more than words could express, but the hurtful words of the parent still lingered in her mind.

Just then, there was a soft knock on her door, and Pin poked her head inside. "Hey, Gaty. Are you ready yet? We're all waiting for you downstairs."

Gaty managed a weak smile, touched by Pin's concern. "Thanks, Pin. I'll be down in a minute."

Pin stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. "You know, Gaty, you don't have to face this alone. We're here for you, always."

Gaty's smile grew a little wider, warmed by Pin's words. "I know, Pin. And I'm grateful for that."

With some final reassuring , Pin left Gaty to collect her thoughts. Gaty took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation that awaited her downstairs.

As she made her way to the dinner table, Gaty was greeted with warm smiles and encouraging nods from her friends. And in that moment, surrounded by love and support, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them head-on, with her friends by her side.


(This is gonna be a long note so please bare with me)

1. I almost was gonna scrap this chapter entirely. However, by total a coincidence, today is trans visibility day, which think was fate telling me to upload this one anyway! To any of my trans readers, know that you are loved and that this is a safe space for you!!!!

2. Today is this books one year anniversary!!!! Thank you so much for sticking with me, whether you are just getting into this book or have been here since the beginning, and also for getting this book to 10K before the year ended!

3. For those of you who don't know: I will be attending the BFDI and II tour event in NYC on Saturday June 29th for BOTH SHOWS! Please, if you will be attending, let me know! I would love to meet some Team8s and Counting fans!

4. Happy Easter to all those who celebrate!

Anyway, I think that's it from me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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