22. Whipping up Winter

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As autumn flashed by, it was time for Team8s to plan one final wedding: Saw and Gaty's. The two had planned to do it around the holidays, and they were really looking forward to it!

Through all the planning, Gaty had something on her mind. She needed to ask Pin about it, but it was somthing she had wanted to do for her own wedding ever since Pin had hers.

She eventually found Pin alone in her room, so Gaty thought it would be a good time to talk to her.

"Hey, Pin," Gaty began, her eyes gleaming with a mix of eagerness and nervousness.

Pin turned to her with a warm smile. "What's up, Gaty?"

"Well, you know, I've been thinking about my upcoming wedding, and I was wondering if..." Gaty paused, her cheeks coloring slightly.

Pin, sensing Gaty's uncertainty, encouraged her to continue. "Wondering if what, Gaty? You can ask anything."

Gaty took another breath before expressing her request. "I was wondering if I could wear your wedding tuxedo dress for my own wedding."

The room fell momentarily silent as she processed Gaty's unexpected request. Pin's eyes widened with surprise, and then a smile spread across her face.

"You want to wear my wedding dress to your wedding?" Pin asked, seeking confirmation.

Gaty nodded, her excitement bubbling over. "Yeah! I mean, your dress is so unique and beautiful. I was thinking about my own wedding, and I realized that your dress is exactly what I've been imagining. It would mean a lot to me if I could wear it."

Pin thought about it for a minute, before giving Gaty a response, "heck you can wear it! After all, you were the one who gave me the idea of a tuxedo dress in the first place!"

Gaty's eyes lit up with gratitude as Pin generously granted her request. "Thank you, Pin! I really appreciate it, and it means a lot to me."

Pin smiled, "of course, besides, it's not like I'll ever wear it aga-" Pin got cut off before making a slight face and placing a hand on her bump.

"Are you okay Pin?" Gaty asked with concern.

"Oh I'm fine! It's just that I've started to feel the baby move around in small increments, and I'm still not fully used to it!"

Gaty's eyes beamed up "She's moving? That's amazing!"

Pin smiled back, "Yeah, each day that passes by is one closer till she comes!"

Gaty smiled at Pin, "Well, thank you so much for letting me wear the dress, you don't know how much it means to me."

Gaty walked back into her room to find Saw looking at different flowers for the venue.

"Oh, hey Gaty!" Saw said with a smile, "did Pin give you the green light?"

Gaty's excitement spilled over as she shared the good news with Saw. "Pin said yes! I can wear her wedding tuxedo dress for our wedding. Can you believe it?"

Saw's eyes sparkled with joy. "That's fantastic, Gaty."

Gaty smiled. "I'm so grateful to her. It's like a dream come true for me."

Saw was thrilled to hear that Gaty was able to get her dream dress. She continued looking at the flowers she had in mind for the venue, and decided to show them to Gaty "What do you think of these ones?" Saw asked. They were exquisite winter flowers, a mix of deep reds, whites, and subtle greens, perfectly capturing the essence of the holiday season.

Gaty's eyes widened in admiration. "Saw, these are stunning! They'll be perfect for our winter wedding. Let's go with these."

Saw grinned, happy that Gaty loved her choice. "Great! Now, let's finalize the rest of the details."

They continued to finalize the details until they were called for dinner by Barf Bag. They gathered in the kitchen with the rest of the team to eat. Dinner that night was some chicken and rice prepared by Pin.

As they ate, they chatted away like they always do.

Coiny decided to start the conversation, "So, what's everyone looking forward to the most at Saw and Gaty's wedding?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink.

Needle, always enthusiastic, chimed in first. "I can't wait for the dancing! It's going to be so much fun!"

Pin smiled, "I'm looking forward to seeing Gaty in my dress. It's like a little piece of my wedding being passed on!"

Saw, who was enjoying her meal, added, "I'm just excited to officially call Gaty my wife. It's been a long journey, and I can't wait to start this new chapter together."

Barf Bag said, "I'm excited to see all our hard work in action. The venue, the flowers, the decorations – it's going to be a winter wonderland!"

Donut raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure you're not just excited for the cake, Barf Bag?"

Barf Bag chuckled, "Well, that too. But it's about the whole experience!"

Gaty, feeling the warmth of the moment, spoke up, "I'm looking forward to having all of you there, celebrating with us. You're not just our friends; you're family."

The sentiment resonated with everyone around the table. Coiny nodded, "Agreed. Team8s has become something special, way more than just a team, and this wedding is a testament to that."

After they finished up dinner, they gathered in the living room. Pin, feeling more movements from the baby, smiled down at her belly. "Looks like someone's excited for the wedding too."

The room erupted in laughter, and Gaty couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the family she had found in Team8s. As they settled into the cozy evening, the anticipation for the winter wedding grew, much like the warmth shared among this extraordinary group of friends.


Happy new year peeps! I have nothing else to say, see you next chapter!

- Sunny

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