14. Suits, Dresses, and More

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As Coiny, Pin, and Needles wedding day was approaching, the throuple were getting ready to prepare for the big day. With the help of Team8s, they were able to send out all of their wedding invitations well in advance so people could make it for their late spring date.

With the venue and the invitations out of the way, one thing remained between the thouple and the wedding day: outfits.

Needle already envisioned herself in a beautiful white dress. She had an idea of what she was going for, nothing too puffy, but nothing too slim either. Coiny was already looking at some suits that he thought would look good on him.

However, Pin wasn't very sure on what she was going to wear. A suit, dress, or something in between, she just couldn't figure it out.

To help narrow down some options, Needle, Coiny, Pin, and the rest of the team decided to divide and conquer to get wedding outfits.

Coiny went with Donut to a Mens Warehouse to find Coinys suit, Needle went with Saw and Barf Bag to a local boutique to find Needle a dress, and Pin went with Gaty to the mall to help Pin find an outfit.

At the Men's Warehouse, Coiny was browsing through all the suits they had. He knew he wanted to go black, no doubt, but the variety of styles and cuts was overwhelming. Donut provided helpful suggestions.

"How about this one, Coiny? It has a classic look but still feels modern," Donut suggested, pointing to a sleek black suit.

Coiny nodded, "Yeah, I like that. Let's try it on."

As Coiny tried on different suits, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was the outfit he would wear when he asked Pin and Needle to spend the rest of their lives with him. The significance of the moment weighed on him, making the decision feel more substantial than just choosing clothes.

Donut, who could visibly see him getting nervous, tried to offer some support. "Hey, no matter what you wear, it's going to be perfect because it's you wearing it. But I have to say, that one looks really sharp on you."

Coiny smirked, feeling a bit more reassured. "You think so?"

"Yeah! Add a bowtie to it and you'll look even more dashing."

After settling on the suit and accessories, Coiny felt a wave of relief. Donut patted him on the back, "You're going to sweep them off their feet, I guarantee it."

Meanwhile, at the local boutique, Needle was exploring different dresses with Saw and Barf Bag. She had a particular style in mind—something elegant yet not overly formal. The boutique had a wide array of options, and Needle couldn't help but feel excited.

Saw, always the cheerful presence, pulled out a dress. "What about this one, Needle? It has a nice flow and looks comfortable."

"Intresting, hold onto it and I can try it on later."

As they continued looking, Barf Bag couldn't help but think about when she would be the one trying on the dresses. But for now, this was Needle's big moment, and she thought she had foud a pretty perfect dress for her.

"I like this one Needle, thoughts?" Barf Bag said

Needle examined the dress, the fabric, and the overall design. "I like it! Let's try theese on."
As Needle tried on various dresses, she couldn't help but appreciate the support from Saw and Barf Bag. They offered honest opinions, shared laughs, and even helped Needle find the perfect pair of shoes to go with her chosen dress.

Finally, after some deliberation and trying on different options, Needle found the one. The dress had a subtle lace detail, a flowing silhouette, and a touch of sparkle that made it stand out. She twirled in front of the mirror, feeling a sense of joy.

Saw and Barf Bag both gasped, their eyes shining with approval. "Needle, you look absolutely stunning!" Saw exclaimed.

"Wow, Needle, you're gonna blow Coiny and Pin away!," Barf Bag added.

Needle blushed, grateful for the support. "Thanks, guys. I feel amazing in this."

At the mall, Pin and Gaty were on the quest for the perfect outfit. Pin wasn't sure whether she wanted to go with a suit or a dress, but Gaty was there to help her explore both options.

They walked into various stores, flipping through racks of dresses and suits. Pin had a hard time deciding, torn between the elegance of a dress and the sleekness of a suit.

Gaty, with her calm and patient demeanor, knew how she felt. "I get it Pin, back when I first found I was trans, I had a similar struggle. It's all about finding what feels right for you."

"Yeah," Pin sighed, "I just want to look good and feel comfortable."

After exploring a few more stores, Gaty suggested, "Why not try both? You don't have to decide now; just see how you feel in each."

"That's a good idea," Pin agreed.

They headed to a store that offered a mix of suits and dresses. Pin picked out a few options, including a sharp suit and a couple of elegant dresses. In the fitting room, she tried on the suit first.

Gaty admired her, "You look powerful and sophisticated."

Pin chuckled, "Maybe I should consider running for president."

Gaty laughed, "You'd have my vote!"

Then Pin tried on one of the dresses, and Gaty's eyes widened. "Pin, you look stunning. Seriously, breathtaking."
Pin blushed a little, "Really?"

"Absolutely. It's all about how you feel, Pin. What makes you feel like the most fabulous version of yourself?"

Pin thought for a moment, looking at herself in the mirror. "I think I know."

As they left the store, Pin felt a sense of excitement and relief. She didn't have to conform to expectations; she could choose what felt right for her. Gaty, understanding the significance of this choice, couldn't help but feel proud of Pin.

After their respective shopping adventures, the trio met back up with the rest of Team8s to share their experiences.

"So, how'd it go?" Pin asked the others.

"We found the perfect suit for Coiny," Donut said, "He's going to look amazing."

Needle giggled, "And I found the perfect dress. Thanks, Saw and Barf Bag!"

Saw grinned, "You're welcome, Needle. You're going to be the most beautiful bride."

"And Pin?" Gaty added, "How did it go?"

Pin smiled, "I found something that feels just right. You'll all have to wait for the big day to see it."

The excitement in the air was palpable as the team continued to prepare for the upcoming wedding. The outfits were chosen, and now the countdown to the celebration of love began.

Man I love this team. I'm not ready to watch one of them go in TPOT 9! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one!

- Sunny

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