12. Engaged Times Two

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Coiny was anxiously pacing around his room. Normally, Coiny wasn't the one to get anxious, but when he got anxious, it was obvious to everyone. Thankfully, Pin and Needle were out getting their nails done, so he didn't have to worry about them seeing him all worked up.

After all, it would ruin the surprise he had planned for them.

He had just finished packing up his bags, since he, Pin, and Needle were heading on a trip to Yoyle City. That place was always special to the throuple, since its where the three of them started to grow close when they competed/lived there for around four years. Lots of memories were made there, some good and some bad, but Coiny wanted to give his girlfriends something they would never forget on their trip.

"Coiny, don't forget the rings," Barf Bag said, handing him the two engagement rings, which were in a small box. "I don't want your big moment to get ruined!"

Coiny cracked a nervous smile at her, "yeah, neither would I."

Barf Bag noticed that Coiny was extra anxious, so she offered him some words of encouragement. "Hey, it's all gonna work out, I promise." That eased Coiny up a little bit, but he was still nervous nonetheless. What if they said no? Would it ruin their friendship? Those were just a few of the hundreds of questions that Coiny had, but he knew that he couldn't wait much longer for the big moment.


Once the trio had arrived at Yoyle City, they were flooded with the many memories they had at that place, some good and some bad.

Coiny couldn't help but smile as he saw the familiar sights of Yoyle City. The towering buildings, the bustling streets, and the vibrant atmosphere all brought back a flood of memories from the time they had spent competing and living in this city. It was a place that had seen them through thick and thin, a place where their friendship had evolved the most.

Amid all the laughter and reminiscing, Coiny couldn't help but feel the weight of the engagement rings in his pocket, a constant reminder of the surprise he had in store for Pin and Needle. He had chosen the perfect spot for the proposal, a place that while typically not what most would think of as an engagement spot, a place that had meaning to the trio.

It was the aerospace manufacturing plant, the first place the three of them lived together

As they entered the plant, still as abandoned as ever, Coiny decided it was time to put his plan into action. He led Pin and Needle to their special spot, hearts pounding with excitement and nervousness.

"Man, it's crazy to be back in here," Pin said, "we've had quite the journey since we left this place, have we"

The three of them looked around the place, even memories flooding their minds.

"Coiny, I don't know how much longer we should be in here for, we should probably go," Needle said

"I know I know, but...before we do, there's something I want to ask you two." Once he had Pin and Needles full attention, Coiny took a deep breath and turned to his beloved girlfriends. "Pin, Needle, you both mean the world to me, and our journey throughout all these years has been incredible. We've faced challenges and celebrated triumphs, and I cherish every moment we've spent together here."

Pin and Needle exchanged curious glances, realizing that something extraordinary was about to happen.

Coiny got down on one knee, his hands trembling slightly as he opened the small box, revealing the two glistening engagement rings. "Pin, Needle, I want to spend the rest of my life with you both. Will you marry me and make me the happiest BFDI contestant in the world?"

The gasps of surprise from Pin and Needle were drowned out by the rush of emotions that swelled within them. Tears of joy filled their eyes as they nodded enthusiastically, unable to speak.

"Yes, Coiny, yes!" they exclaimed in unison.

Coiny's heart soared with happiness as he slipped the rings onto their fingers. He rose from his knee, and the three of them embraced in a tight, loving hug.

Their love, once again, had triumphed, and the engagement was a new chapter in their extraordinary relationship. Yoyle City, the place where they had grown so close, now bore witness to this beautiful moment that would forever be etched in their hearts.

Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Barf Bag had just received a text from Coiny. She eagerly opened it, to find a text that read:


"GUYS THEY SAID YES THEY SAID YES," she screamed. The rest of the team all cheered in excitement after hearing that their friends got engaged! Barf Bag went back to her phone and wrote Coiny back.

Barf Bag: Congrats Coiny! I knew it would all work out!

As the rest of the team smiled, they were looking ahead at these next years together, knowing that their friends were finally ready to get married to each other. 


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for leaving you all in the dark! I didn't realize how long it had been since I last uploaded! Between school and college apps, time has just been flying and now it's already November. Things have died down on my end, so I'm you guys shouldn't have to wait two more months for another chapter. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- Sunny

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