59. Big Sister Training

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"Auntie Saw! Auntie Gaty! Where are mommy, daddy, and mommy?"

Saw chuckled in response, holding Bladey in her arms, "they're at the doctors sweetie."

"But why?" she asked.

Gaty smiled, "because they're checking up on the baby in mommy's tummy; you're little sibling."

"THEY CUT MOMMY OPEN!" Thread shouted in concern.

"No Thread," Saw replied, amused by her innocent understanding of pregnancy, "they use a machine to see inside of mommy's tummy without having to cut her open."

Thread looked relieved, "Oh, okay! But... why do they have to check on the baby?"

Gaty knelt down to Thread's eye level, "Well, sweetie, it's important to make sure that the baby is growing healthy and strong."

Thread nodded, her curiosity satisfied for the moment. "Can I see the baby?"

Saw smiled, "Not today, sweetie. But soon, when the baby is born, you'll be a big sister!"

Thread's eyes widened with excitement, "I'm gonna be a big sister!"

Gaty nodded, "That's right! And being a big sister is a very important job."

Thread's face lit up with joy, "What do big sisters do?"

Saw and Gaty exchanged a knowing glance before Gaty responded, "Well, big sisters help take care of their little siblings. They can help feed them, play with them, and keep them safe."

Thread nodded eagerly, "I wanna help take care of the baby!"

Saw smiled, "That's wonderful, Thread! But remember, being a big sister also means being patient and kind. The baby will need a lot of love and attention, just like you do."

And right on cue, little Bladey started crying in Saw's arms,
"Looks like this little one wants to be fed," Gaty responded. "I'll go get the milk from the fridge."

Thread, wanting to practice her big sister duties, had her own idea in mind, "can I feed her auntie Saw?"

Saw and Gaty looked at each other, and decided that it would be a good idea for Thread to practice taking care of a baby, "of course you can sweetie!"

Saw carefully handed Bladey over to Thread, making sure she was supporting her head properly. Thread looked down at her little sister with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Gently, she cradled Bladey in her arms, mimicking the way she had seen Saw hold her.

"Hi, Bladey," Thread said softly, "it's me, your cousin. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
Bladey looked up at Thread with wide eyes, her cries beginning to quiet as she felt the warmth of her cousin's embrace. Saw smiled proudly at Thread, seeing the genuine care and love in her eyes.

Gaty returned with a bottle of milk, and Thread carefully held it up to Bladey's mouth, her hands shaking slightly with the weight of the responsibility. But as Bladey began to suckle, Thread's confidence grew.

"You're doing great, Thread," Saw encouraged, "just like a real big sister."

Thread beamed with pride, feeling a sense of accomplishment as she fed her baby sister. As Bladey finished her bottle and drifted off to sleep in Thread's arms, Thread looked up at Saw and Gaty with a wide grin.

"I love being a big sister!" she exclaimed.

Just then, Needle, Coiny and Pin, walked back into the house.

"Hey you guys," Gaty said greeting them.

"Why hey there, how is our little daughter Thread holding up?" Coiny asked.

Gaty smiled warmly, "She's doing great! Thread has been so excited about becoming a big sister."

Coiny and Pin exchanged a glance, their expressions softening at the sight of Thread cradling Bladey in her arms. "She's going to be an amazing big sister," Pin remarked, a hint of pride in his voice.

Needle walked over to Thread, her eyes filled with affection as she watched her daughter with her newborn cousin. "You're doing such a wonderful job, Thread," she said, her voice soft and encouraging.

Thread beamed up at her parents, feeling a sense of pride swell within her chest. "Thanks, Mom," she replied, her smile widening.

Saw stepped forward, gently patting Thread on the shoulder. "You're a natural, Thread. Your new sibling is going to be lucky to have you as thier big sister."

"Speaking of which," Needle said, "the appointment went very well!"

"Well that's nice to hear," Saw responded.

"Yeah," Coiny chimed in, "the doctor said everything looks great with the baby. We even got to see some new ultrasound pictures!"

Thread's eyes widened with excitement, "Can I see?"

"Of course!" Pin said, pulling out her phone. She scrolled through the images until she found the ones from the appointment. "Here you go, Thread."

Thread eagerly leaned in to look at the screen, her face lighting up as she saw the tiny images of her new sibling. "Wow, they look so small!"

"Yep," Coiny said with a smile, "but they're growing bigger every day."

"And before you know it," Needle added, "you'll have a new little brother play with."

Thread's face went blank for a little bit, "wait...brother?"

"Oh yeah, we just found out," Needle said with a chuckle. "Surprise! We're having a baby boy!"

Thread's eyes widened with surprise and excitement at the news. "A baby brother? That's so cool!"

Coiny and Pin grinned at her reaction, pleased to see her enthusiasm. "Yep, you'll have a little brother to play with and take care of," Coiny said.

Thread grinned from ear to ear, her mind already racing with ideas of all the fun adventures she could have with her new baby brother. "I can't wait to meet him!"

"And I'm sure he'll be just as lucky to have you as his big sister," Pin said, wrapping an arm around Needle as they stood together as a family. "Oh, and we're taking a tour of the birthing center tomorrow too," she said to Saw and Gaty.

"That's nice to hear," Saw replied,

"Seems like everything is going well then," Gaty responded.

"We're right where we need to be," Pin responded.

"Yup," Needle said, before gesturing to her stomach, "I can't wait to meet you in just 4 months!"


It's looking like Coiny and Donut won't be the only guys in the Team8s household for long! Anyway, not much else to say, see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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