24. While We're Still at Seven

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A few days after Saw and Gaty's Wedding, the team was all gathered in the living room, reflecting on how much has changed in the past year.

"It's hard to believe that we're all married now," Coiny said, "In just the past 7 months, we had three whole weddings!"

Gaty smiled, still finding this all hard to believe, "I'm glad all the wedding planning is over now, because gosh that was exhausting!"

Barf Bag chuckled at that statement, "But it was worth it. The weddings were beautiful, and we got to celebrate the union of our friends."

Saw nodded in agreement, "Absolutely. And now, we can focus on creating more memories together."

As they continued to chat in the living room, Needle brought up a crazy idea, "would it be crazy for us to do a triple honeymoon? I mean, I think it would be kinda fun!"

The team thought about that statement for a little bit, before Donut decided to speak up, "You're not crazy at all, I was thinking the same thing!"

"Well, it probably won't be for another year, because you know," Pin said, looking at her stomach.

"And who said we have to wait another year," Saw questioned.

"The baby's due in less than two months," Pin remarked, "how can we plan and go on an entire honeymoon in that time?"

"Well, all of us are off work for the holidays for the rest of the week, and, well, I know you can get some great last minute deals on trips. Why not try to have it while it's still just the seven of us?" Coiny suggested.

The team thought about it for a little bit. A triple honeymoon sounded like an amazing idea, but to plan it in such a short amount of time?

Finally, Needle spoke up, "Why not? It sounds like a crazy, spontaneous adventure! I'm in!" Needle said with excitement.

Barf Bag grinned, "I'm up for some last-minute planning. It could be a fantastic way to cap off this year of weddings."

Saw and Gaty exchanged smiles, and Saw chimed in, "I love the idea! Let's make it happen."

Coiny chuckled, "Well, the first step is deciding on the destinations. Any preferences?"

Donut, always enthusiastic, suggested, "How about a mountain resort! I heard good reviews about one that's just north of the Pillary Ruins"

Gaty replied, "Taco was just telling me about when her and Blocky went when we were at the wedding, I would love to go there! I heard they have skiing, tubing, and they even have a spa!"

"Skiing and Tubing sounds like a lot of fun," Donut said.

"And I could REALLY go for that spa," Pin said. "I'm telling you, carrying another being inside of you does stuff to your back!"

Coiny smiled, "awsome, now we just have to book the resort and we'll be all set!"

As the whole team scrambled to book a room, Needle found a sweet last minute deal on a room that could fit all seven of them, although she could only get it for the next day!

"Well, looks like we have to do some real last minute packing," Barf Bag remarked.

But they got it done, and the very next day, they were headed off to their extremely last minute honeymoon.

Once they had arrived and checked into the hotel, they finally made it to their room.

"This place is NICE!" Saw said, "I can't wait to do all the fun activities!"

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