7. A First Date Gone Wrong, Gone Right

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Barf Bag and Donut had been seeing each other for a few weeks when Donut suggested they go on a picnic. Barf Bag absolutely loved the idea and was eager to spend the day with him! Although she was a little bit nervous about her first official date with Donut, Gaty reassured her that once the date actually happens, you will wonder why you were nervous in the first place.

"Alright folks," Donut said, "Barfy and I are heading out, we'll be back in an hour or two."

The two said their goodbyes and the rest of the two headed off. It was a beautiful day and Barf Bag was excited to spend some time outside with him.

They drove out to the park and found a secluded spot near a lake to set up their picnic. Donut had packed all of Barf Bag's favorite foods and they enjoyed a delicious lunch while chatting away.

"Mmm," Barf Bag mumbled, "who taught you how to make such delicious burritos?"

"It was Pin," Donut said, letting out a little chuckle, "I'm glad you enjoy them!"

"Well, thank you so much for making these," Barf Bag said as he smiled at him. Donut smiled at her back and they continued to eat and chat away.

After lunch, Donut suggested they take a walk around the lake. He knew that Barf Bag loved the sights of the lake, so unsurprisingly, Barf Bag agreed with him and started there way around the lake.

As they were walking, they spotted a swan swimming in the lake.

"Oh, look at the pretty swan," Donut said, with a giant smile on his face.

"Yeah, that sure is one big sawn," Barf Bag said, a little nervously. She knew while sawns are very pretty, they could also be a little but aggressive.

Barf Bag started to slowly walk further away from the swan, however, Donut thought it would be romantic to get closer to it, so he suggested they rent a canoe and row out to it.

Barf Bag was nervous about getting into the small boat, but Donut was insistent.

"Come on Barfy, we won't get that close to it. If we start seeing it get aggressive, we can always pedal back to safety."

Barf Bag sighed, "I suppose we can get a closer look at it." Barf Bag trusted that Donut would use his judgment accordingly.

They got into the boat and began rowing towards the swan. They were getting closer and closer, to the point where Barf Bag started to get uncomfortable.

"Uh, Donut," Barf Bag said, shakily, "I think we should turn around."

"Oh come on, just a few more feet, then we can turn around."

Donut rowed closer to the swan, when suddenly the swan turned around and started charging at them.

Panicking, Barf Bag and Donut tried to row away as fast as they could.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO ANY CLOSER," Barf Bag said, angrily.


They kept but the swan was too fast. It caught up to them and started attacking the boat with its wings, causing them to capsize and fall into the water.

Barf Bag was soaking wet and furious with Donut for putting her in such a dangerous situation. Donut tried to apologize and make it up to her.

"Barfy," Donut said, as he took a deep breath, "I'm such an idiot, I'm sorry that I decided that we should get closer, I should have trusted you."

Barf Bag was, understandably, very angry at him. "Dang right you should have," she said, splashing him in the face with a bit of water.

Donut flinched from the water that was in his face. "Yup, I definitely deserved that."

This made Barf Bag smirk, and splash even more warter in his face. Barf Bag giggled at him.

"Oh, so this is how we're doing it then!" Donut laughed and made an even bigger splash

"Heeeeeey," Barf Bag said, jokingly pouting, "what was that for!"

"Oh don't even play games with me anymore," Donut said. Right as he was done talking, Barf Bag splashed more water at him.

Soon enough, the splashes turned into a full on fight. Donut grabbed Barf Bag and quickly dunked her under water. Barf Bag smirked at him as she came back up to shore.

"You take that back," Barf Bag said. She pulled Donut closer to her, but instead of dunking him, she gave him a kiss. Donut was a little flustered at first, but eventually, he put his arms around her, and they kissed for about a solid minute.

Once the two pulled away, the couple looked at eachother, smiling.

"Come on," Barf Bag said, "lets head back to sore". The two got back in the boat and rowed towards the edge of the lake. They returned the boat and made their way home, still soaking wet.

Once they arrived at the apartment, everyone was confused about why the two looked like they had just gone for a swim.

"I thought you guys were just going for a picnic," Gaty said.

"Well," Donut said, "our plans kinda changed."

Pin chuckled at them. "Judging by the giant smiles on your faces it still seems like you two had a great time!"

Barf Bag turned to her, smiling, "yeah, I guess we did."

The couple headed back to their room and shut the door behind them.

The two sat down on the floor, smiling at eachother.

"I can't wait to tell our kids about this," Donut said. This made Barf Bags stomach flutter a little, but in the best way possible.

Despite the mishaps they had a long the way, the two of them knew that they were going to look back on their first date together and laugh, because at the end of the day, what seemed like a date gone wrong only brought them closer together. 


I really loved writing these two! I can't believe I already got 7 chapters out, but I'm really glad that I'm continuing the motivation to write this! I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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