45. Sharing the Spotlight

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After a couple of days spent in the hospital, it was time to bring baby Bladey home.

Saw and Gaty carefully strapped their newborn daughter into her car seat, their hearts filled with both excitement and nervousness as they prepared to leave the hospital and begin their journey as a family of three. Barf Bag, Donut, Pin, Coiny, and Needle hovered nearby, eager to help in any way they could.

As they stepped out of the car and into the warm sunshine, Saw couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion wash over her. She looked down at her daughter, her eyes brimming with tears of joy.

"Welcome home, Bladey," she whispered, her voice filled with love.

Gaty smiled, her heart bursting with pride as she looked at Saw and their daughter. "We're a family now, Saw. Just like we always dreamed."

Saw thought about all the times she and Gaty imagined life as parents years ago, and now they were finally moms to their baby girl. "I honestly can't believe it."

As the entered the house, the rest of Team8s was eager to welcome their newest edition.

"Welcome to our crazy house Bladey," Pin said.

"We're so excited to have you here," Donut chimed in, his eyes sparkling with joy. "You're going to love it with us."

Coiny nodded enthusiastically, his face beaming with pride. "Yeah, we've got lots of adventures planned for you, Bladey. Get ready for some serious fun!"

Needle couldn't contain her excitement as she bounced up and down on her toes. "And lots of cuddles too! We're going to spoil you rotten, little one."

Saw and Gaty exchanged a fond glance, their hearts warmed by the outpouring of love and support from their friends. "Thank you, everyone," Saw said, her voice filled with gratitude. "We couldn't ask for better friends to share this journey with."

Gaty nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with emotion. "You guys mean everything to us. Thank you for being a part of our family."
The new moms, followed by their friends, brought little Bladey up to the nursery for the first time.

"Sorry it's not done yet sweet girl," Barf Bag noted, "we didn't think you'd be here for another week or two."

Saw smiled warmly at Barf Bag, her heart filled with gratitude for their friend's thoughtfulness. "It's perfect, Barf Bag. Thank you for everything."

Gaty nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the room with a sense of wonder. "Yeah, Bladey, this is your very own space," she said, her voice filled with love. "We'll make it just the way you like it."

As they settled Bladey into her crib, surrounded by stuffed animals and soft blankets, Saw and Gaty couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over them. They were finally home, together with their precious daughter and the friends who had become their family.

Pin leaned in close, pressing a gentle kiss to Bladey's forehead. "Welcome home, little one. We're so glad you're here."

Donut, Coiny, and Needle gathered around the crib, their faces filled with joy as they admired their newest addition to the family. "We're going to have so much fun together, Bladey," Donut said, his voice filled with excitement.

Coiny nodded in agreement, his eyes shining with pride. "Yeah, we're going to be the best aunt and uncles ever!"

Needle grinned from ear to ear, her heart overflowing with love for their little family. "And we'll always be here for you, Bladey. No matter what."

All seemed peaceful as Saw layed Bladey down in her crib, fast asleep. Then, out of the blue, Thread started crying from her room.

"Looks like someone knows that something's up," Pin said. She went over to Threads room and scooped her daughter out of her crib.

"What's that matter," Pin asked Thread, who continued to act a little extra fussy.

Needle came into Threads room, knowing what might be the cause of her daughters fussiness, "is someone jealous of her little cousin?"

Pin smiled, knowing that Thread would always be her special little girl, "Oh don't worry sweetheart, Auntie Gaty and Auntie Saw might be busy with their new daughter, but between me, mommy, daddy, Auntie Barf Bag, and Uncle Donut, enough eyes are going to be on you, I promise!"

Coiny came into the room to see what his daughter, "maybe have her come into the nursery, it might help her understand what's going on a little better."

Needle rolled her eyes, "she's one, Coiny, I doubt she understands much of what's going on right now."
Thread's cries softened as Pin held her close, her tiny arms wrapping around her mother's neck. Pin felt a pang of guilt for not being able to give Thread all her attention with the arrival of Bladey, but she was determined to make sure her daughter felt loved and cherished.

"You're always going to be our special girl, Thread," Pin whispered, brushing a gentle kiss against her daughter's forehead. "No matter what, you'll always have a place in our hearts."

Coiny nodded in agreement, kneeling down beside Pin and Thread. "That's right, sweetheart. You're our little princess, and we'll never forget that."

Thread's tears began to subside as she listened to her parents' comforting words. She might not fully understand what was happening, but she could feel the love and warmth surrounding her.
With a smile, Pin carried Thread into the nursery, where Bladey lay peacefully in her crib. "Look, Thread, this is your little cousin Bladey," Pin said, her voice filled with affection. "She's going to be your friend and playmate."

Thread's eyes widened with curiosity as she gazed at Bladey, reaching out a tiny hand to touch her cousin's cheek. Bladey stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up at Thread.

"See, sweetie? Bladey is going to be a part of our family now," Pin said, her heart swelling with love as she watched her daughters together. "And you're going to be the best big cousin ever."

Thread's face lit up with a smile as she looked at Bladey, her earlier fussiness forgotten in the excitement of meeting her cousin. She might be a little unsure of all the changes happening around her, but as long as she had her family by her side, Thread knew everything would be okay.

With Thread and Bladey together in the nursery, surrounded by love and laughter, Saw and Gaty couldn't help but feel grateful for the beautiful family they had created. As they watched the girls bonding, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, their family would always be there for each other, supporting and comforting one another through every step of the journey. And with that thought in mind, they settled in for their first night together as a family of four, their hearts full of love and hope for the future.


WAAAAAA I LOVE THIS CHAPTER IT'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, we got a surprise BFDIA 10 release the other day, quite a fun watch if I do say so myself. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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