49. Bladey's First Giggle

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One late summer night, the rest of Team8s, minus Saw and Gaty, who were putting Bladey to bed, were watching some TV in the living room.

All the sudden, they heard the faint sound of Bladeys cries grow louder, accompanied by the sound of footsteps.

"I can't get her to calm down," Saw said, as she walked down the stairs, rocking a crying Bladey in her arms.

"We need your help guys," Gaty pleaded, "we've tried everything, but we can't get her to calm down."

Pin got up from the couch, and took Bladey from Saw's arms. "What's wrong Bladey," Pin said to the baby, "you're auntie Pin is here to help."

Pin swayed the little girl in her arms, but she failed to calm the distressed child.

"You are quite fussy right now, aren't you," Pin said, still trying to put Bladey to sleep.

"Should we take her to the hospital?" Saw frantically asked, taking a glance over at Barf Bag for medical advice.

"Let's wait it out just a little longer," Barf Bag suggested, "I'm sure there's a way to calm her down that none of us have thought of yet.

Just then, a light bulb went on in Donut's head, "Here, let me try one more thing," he suggested.. He took little Bladey from Pin's arms and laid her on her back on the couch. He covered his eyes, took a deep breath, and then said the magic words.

"Peek-a-boo." Like that, all the crying stopped. Bladey looked at her uncle like he had two heads.

"It's working?" Coiny said, confused by the sudden change in demeanor. Donut then did it again.

"Peek-a-boo!" That's when it happened. A smile formed on Bladeys face, and a small giggle escaped from her mouth.

"You got her to laugh!" Gaty said, surprised at the fact that her daughter actually managed to calm down.

"You'd be surprised at how many times I've had to do this at the hospital," Donut said, "I get lots of distressed parents asking the receptionist of all people to try and calm their baby's down after two hours in the waiting room."

"Has she ever giggled like this before," Needle asked, still admiring Bladey's cuteness.

Gaty responded, "this is the first time we've heard her do this at least."

Barf Bag was in awe of Donut's hidden skill, "I should try this more often at the hospital," Barf Bag said, "I'm usually the one who's making the poor babies cry, sometimes I wish I didn't have to do so much to their fragile bodies!"

As Bladey's laughter filled the room, a sense of relief washed over Team8s. The tension that had hung in the air moments before dissipated, replaced by the sweet sound of their little one's joy.

Donut grinned proudly, feeling a sense of accomplishment at having calmed Bladey down. "I'm just glad I could help," he said modestly.

Saw and Gaty exchanged grateful glances, their hearts filled with warmth at the sight of their daughter's beaming smile. "Thank you, Donut," Saw said, his voice tinged with emotion. "You're a lifesaver."

The rest of Team8s gathered around Bladey, marveling at the precious moment they had just witnessed. Needle gently tickled Bladey's tiny toes, eliciting another round of giggles from the delighted baby.

"I remember when Thread laughed for the first time," Coiny said, "it's the best feeling ever."

Pin smiled fondly, reminiscing about Thread's first laugh. "It truly is a magical moment," she agreed, her eyes sparkling with affection.

As Bladey continued to giggle and coo, the members of Team8s soaked in the happiness of the moment, feeling grateful for the bond they shared as a family. In the midst of life's challenges and uncertainties, it was these simple moments of love and laughter that truly mattered.

With Bladey finally calm and content, Saw and Gaty exchanged a relieved glance, their hearts overflowing with love for their precious daughter.

"Looks like she's finally ready for bed," Gaty said, gently lifting Bladey from the couch.

Saw nodded, heading to the nursery, then tucking Bladey into her crib with a tender kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart," she whispered, her voice filled with love.

As she watched her daughter lay to rest, Saw felt a rush of gratitude and love, her heart swelling with the joy of motherhood. Bladey's gentle breathing filled the room, a soothing melody that lulled Saw into a sense of peace.

Back in the living room, Team8s shared a collective smile, basking in the warmth of the moment they had just shared. Donut's simple gesture had not only calmed Bladey but had also brought the entire family together in a moment of pure bliss.

As they reflected on the events of the evening, they realized that sometimes, the simplest solutions could bring about the greatest joy


I love Bladey, I hope you guys do to! See you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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