~Fifty-Six: Soojung~

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Stage Name: Soojung

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Stage Name: Soojung

Real Name: Kim Soojung

Nicknames: Bookworm, Quiet Mind

DOB: January 8, 1999

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean

Height: 169 cm (5'5)

Weight: 57 kg (125 lbs)

Blood Type: A

Position(s): Vocalist*, Rapper*

Training Period: 3 years & 6 months

Personality: Soojung is very reserved and quiet. She tends to keep to herself but mostly because she has trouble expressing her feelings and feels like a lot of people don't like her. She seems stuck up but that's because she doesn't talk unless talked to and then she sounds very smart and intricate that people find her rude or stuck up. However, she wanted to become a musician because she was tired of using her brain all the time. On the contrary, she can get really upset when she fails because she's used to perfection but she is trying to change this about herself. Soojung can always be seen reading a book or doing a crossword puzzle. Overall, Soojung is a loner who is really smart, hardworking, and a perfectionist who is trying to let go of her past.

Background: Soojung grew up in Korea with an older brother of ten years and sister of eight years. Because her siblings were so much older than her, she often had to make her own fun which is why she is such a loner. Soojung was expected to get perfect grades growing up which is why she is hardworking and a perfectionist. She often was expected to follow in her siblings' footsteps as they became a rocket scientist and doctor, two very successful money-making careers. However, Soojung always had a creative mind to her that she kept secret as it wasn't supported by her family. She preferred listening to and making music in her free time and even used this as her safe space to get away from her real life. Soojung graduated high school with a perfect GPA and went onto college where she graduated with a degree in philosophy and general sciences. She went on to become a lawyer but quickly realized she hated it. When she realized she was miserable everyday other than when she was making music, she took a risk and applied for Pinky Entertainment. When she got accepted, she didn't tell her family for a while but when she finally mustered up the courage, they ended up disowning her and shutting her out. For the past three years, Soojung has been on her own but she hasn't felt happier because she's finally doing what she loves.

Languages: Korean, English, Chinese

Instruments: Piano

- Reading
- Studying
- Crossword Puzzles
- Brain Games
- Writing Lyrics
- Producing Music

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