13 Threat

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For the first time Yuna was not haunted in her dreams by the horrors of the past nights. She woke up early by herself and immediately used the patient bell. She sat in her bed and waited for a while, then she rang again. Had Yoshiro turned the bell back on?

As no one answered, she stood up and walked to the door. Carefully, the girl stretched out her head. "Excuse me."

One sister, whom she had not yet encountered, looked up from her workstation screen. "Yes?"

"Could I take a shower and get some clothes?"

"Of course. One moment."

Yuna went back into her room and sat down on the bed. The thought that she would visit Yui, drove her to high spirits. After a short time another nurse brought her a light blue tracksuit, white cloth slippers and towels.

"I'll show you the bathroom. Follow me." The blue-haired followed patiently the nurse to the bathroom. "You can find everything you need inside this room. If you're hungry, you can grab something to eat in the restaurant. You only have to show your bracelet at the register, so don't lose it."

The girl noticed the metal ring on her right wrist. "Okay. Um ... Did Omura-san leave a message for me?"

"Yes. In the morning you are free to do what you want. You can visit ... your sister, I believe. At 14.00 o clock you have a meeting with doctor Yamada. Please be twenty minutes earlier in your room."

"Got it. Thank you."

"One moment ..."

Yuna looked at the nurse questioningly.

"You have blood in your eye."

The patient did not know what that meant. The nurse pulled a flashlight out of her breast pocket and lit into Yuna's left eye. Blinded, the girl closed her eye.

"I'm sorry, but I have to check it out." The nurse lifted Yuna's left eyelid with her thumb and shone in the eye again. "Strange. Your iris is red. Do you feel any pain?"


"Have you hurt yourself somehow, or did you fall?"

Yuna thought of her jump out the window. "No."

"It's probably nothing serious. I'll note it. Do you need any help for showering?"

"I'm fine."

"I'll help you to cover your injured eye."

In the bathroom Yuna sat on a stool and let the nurse do her job. Carefully, she wrapped the bandage from Yuna's head. When she was finished, she looked at the girl's right eye area. She put on a pair of gloves and lifted Yuna's right eyelid.

"That looks pretty good. The swelling goes already back. You seem to have no infection. If you're lucky, we can prepare a glass eye for you next week."

"May I see it?", asked the girl carefully.

"Are you sure?"

Yuna nodded timidly.

"Please don't frighten yourself."

The nurse picked up a hand mirror and handed it to Yuna. The girl took a deep breath and lifted the mirror. First, she looked at her left eye whose iris really was red, then her gaze went over the bridge of her nose to her right eye. The lid was only a tiny gap open and seemed inclined inwards. She wanted to raise her fingers to the eyelid, but the sister fended off.

"Please don't touch it. The germs on your fingers could get inside otherwise."

"Okay." She looked at herself in the mirror again. "I thought that it would look worse.", Yuna said firmly.

"You take that unexpectedly calm."

The patient looked at the nurse. "Should I start crying, perhaps?"

"That's not what I meant. I don't know how I would deal with it."


The girl returned the hand mirror. Then the nurse stuck a waterproof eye patch over the right eye.

"Good. If you need anything else, next to the door is a patient bell."

"Thank you."

The nurse left the room, and the girl alone. The blue-haired pulled the nightgown over her head. She had a few bruises and scratches, but all in all she was in a good shape. She really healed up pretty quick.

Yuna entered the washroom and turned on the water. A pleasant shiver came over her, as the warm water trickled down at her body. Then she began to shower thoroughly.

When Yuna left the bathroom in her light blue tracksuit, she felt as wonderful as she had hardly thought possible. Kind of. Something felt a little bit off, but she couldn't narrow it down. Again Yoshiro was right, she had both physically and mentally recovered extremely fast from Tirr's attack.

Of course she was still afraid of him. She would carry these wounds for ages, but at the same time she was confident that she, thanks to her invulnerability, had the right instruments needed to take on this monster.

She went down a floor to go see Yui. With feathery steps she walked down the corridor, looking for room 317.

Suddenly the Oni, which she had seen yesterday turned around a corner and came towards her. His glowing red eyes focused on her face.

The girl stopped and stared at the monster. Shortly before her, it stopped.

"After taking a shower, you should remove the waterproof eye patch and put back on a bandage around your head.", said the Oni.

While Yuna stared at him, his face took on human features. His skin color was quite ordinary, his thorns disappeared, leaving only a bald head and his eyes ceased to shine. He appeared to be an ordinary man.


"The eye patch. Didn't your nurse inform you?"

Yuna could not stop staring.

"It's nothing life threatening. You can let them change it, when you get back to your station."

"Okay ..."

"Have a nice day."

The man went on and while Yuna looked after him, he changed his form again.

"This monster is on the loose here?! And nobody does anything?!"

Yuna had to stop the Oni, before he could do something to Yui, or someone else. In her head slowly emerged a plan.

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now