81 The phone call

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They took a taxi to the pension. The huntress jumped out of the car and rushed to the front door.

Bloody hell! Yuna really had to take her key along when she left the house. She tried to pull on the door handle, which moved to her surprise. The girl stepped inside.

"Hey, Miss.", hissed someone from the office next to the entrance.

Yuna was almost shocked that the manager was present for once. He was a tall, thin man who looked a bit scruffy. She stood in the doorway. "Good Morning."

"The rent is due. Last week paid Shimada-san for you."

Puzzled blinked the girl. "Who?"

"The unsuccessful musician."

The huntress felt snubbed. "He's not unsuccessful!"

"Yeah, whatever. As long as he can pay the rent. You got the money?" Expectant, he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Please wait ..." She went to the entrance door and yelled: "Uncle. Rent."

Yoshiro handed a banknote to the taxi driver and told him to wait for them. Then he quickly came over to Yuna. He got past her into the office. "Good Morning. The same amount?", he asked the manager.

"Good Morning. Yes."

While he burrowed in his jacket pocket, he said to his pupil: "I've got this, Yuna. Go on."

The girl nodded. "Thanks."

She slipped out of her shoes and ran up the stairs. Ayumi's room door was closed. Surely she would have to recover once again from intoxication. The blue-haired walked past her own door. There was no one in the living room. Wataru's room door was closed too. She knocked. Impatiently, she rocked on her heels.

"Come on." She knocked again, harder. "Wataru-san?"

She listened at the door, but could not hear anything. Annoyed, she opened the door to see if he was there. The room was empty. The futon was curled up in the corner. Had he not come home tonight?

The blue-haired hurried to Ayumi's room door and knocked quickly. After a short wait she knocked again.


"What?", moaned the redhead from the room.

"It's me."


First, something rumbled, then the huntress heard shuffling steps of feet that had been shoved over the carpet. The lock clicked and Ayumi sleepy opened the door. She wore a wafer-thin negligee and women boxers.

"What ...?" She snorted loudly. "Damn it ... what nasty rags are you wearing? Were you mugged?"

Yuna pinched her eye. "Very funny. Have you seen Wataru?"

"Not since he took off yesterday. Why?"

"He's not here."

The older one shrugged. "So what?"

"I need to speak to him." The blue-haired underlined her statement with an urgent look.

Ayumi blinked a few times, then nodded. "Okay."

The redhead shuffled back into her room to get her cell phone. She dialed the number and handed it to Yuna. The girl pressed the device to her ear.

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