35 Trust

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When they appeared on a rooftop, Yuna immediately knew where they were. Pretty close to this building was the favorite manga store of the girl. It started to get dark.

"Where lives Kitsune?", asked the girl.

"He runs the small pharmacy next to the sushi restaurant."

"This pharmacy is always closed."

"For strangers it is. Initiates know how to get in."

"How does it work?"

"You order the "Kitsune Special" in the restaurant. Then you are led to the rear and can enter through a passage in his house. Or you teleport yourself directly into his apartment."

"Ha ha."

"Or, you enter through the roof."

Yuna searched for the roof of the pharmacy. A greenhouse took the largest part of the roof.

"On the other side of the greenhouse is the entrance to the stairwell. He eventually will notice you, once you enter."


"Let's go."

After countless teleports they were in a side street, very close to Yuna's pension. Beads of sweat glistened on Yoshiro's forehead, but he didn't complain at all. He wiped his forehead and led Yuna to the front door of the building. The girl pulled out her key to unlock the door. They entered the foyer.

"Hold on. I'll help you." Yoshiro crouched down and helped the blue-haired out of her shoes.

"I feel like a little kid.", the teenager moaned.

"Well, you're my little chick."

Yuna rolled with her eye. She got into her slippers and went up the stairs. From the living room they heard the TV. She turned to Yoshiro, who had changed into a pair of house shoes, to indicate that he should be quiet. He nodded understandingly. Together they sneaked into her room.

"It's best to lie down and get some sleep.", suggested Yoshiro.

"Yes." She moved a few steps away from the door.

"I'll go to get some supplies for you, then I'll come back."

"No need. I'll be fine." Yuna went to the closet and pushed the door open. She pulled out the futon and shook it open with her uninjured hand. Then she threw it to the ground. "You can go, Yoshiro."

"I'll help you to get dressed."

"I can handle this. I'm not a little kid anymore."

"There is a difference between braveness and stubbornness."

"Do you want to teach me again?"

"What are you going to eat, when you're hungry?"

"That's not your problem."

The Oni shook his head. "I just want to help you. You don't have to fight the whole world all alone."

"Why don't you scold me? I messed up!"

"Why should I?"

"I haven't followed your instructions!"

"And you paid the price for it. You have been punished more than enough. There is no use of me being mad at you. And it's even more useless for you."

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now