21 Negotiations

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"I'd have started with other things, but if you're so eager to fight, we'll do it."

"I will kill you!"

"Yes, I'm convinced. Have you an idea how you're going to do that?"

Yuna said nothing.

"How unexpected. Do you have a pencil to take notes?"


"I'm going to explain to you a few basics. You might want to write them down."

"Fuck you!"

Yoshiro walked over the shelf. "All right. Before you attack a target, you should study it first. Its strengths, its weaknesses, if and what kind of abilities it has."

"Come down here!"

The teacher sighed and ran a hand through his tousled hair. "Are you even listening at all? I know that you're hard to wound, so I'll definitely not going to fight you in close combat. Roger that?"

"You wimp!"

"Against someone with a low self-control, provocation would probably work. Again you ignore your knowledge of my person."

The girl was raging mad. She looked around and noticed a palette of electronic waste. She picked up an old cellphone and threw it after Yoshiro. The device missed its target by about half a meter and smashed to pieces when it hit the floor of the warehouse. The Oni nodded grinning, as he moved again on the shelf.

"Improvisation. Quite good, but since you didn't train your visual perception, its extremely difficult for you to estimate the distance of a target, or hit it with something."

"Okay. I understand." Yuna let her shoulders hang. "I'm no good. I'm just a stupid girl."

"A somewhat harsh self-assessment, but not completely wrong."

"What should I do?"

Yoshiro pondered. "You could promise me that you will not try to kill me."

"I can't do that."

"Why do you want to get rid of me so badly?"

"In order to liberate the human souls you keep prisoner."

"I think you take this too serious, Yuna."

The blue-haired gazed straight up to him. "No. While I almost died, I met mother and Ayu. Their souls are free, but father and Mai's are not. And all the souls that you possess, are also not free."

"You're serious, aren't you?"


"This is so important to you, that you would rather kill me right now, instead of letting me train you first, right?"


Yoshiro touched his forehead. "You really should start to use your brain."

Yuna laughed bitterly. "I rather listen to my heart. I'm not as cold and calculating as you are."

"That hurt me."

"I don't care."

"You are very important to me, Yuna. I don't want you to get in trouble and die at the first opportunity."

"As if."

Yoshiro looked at her hurt. "The fact, that you have such a bad and gridlocked opinion about Oni saddens me. That you're so hostile towards me, hurts me even more. But I guess, I'd just be wasting our time and energy, if I wanted to convince you of the contrary."

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