50 Confidential conversation

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"Well, here we are again."

Yuna punished the fiend with silence. He was still holding her firmly on the forearm.

"Tell my brother that he should pick my side, otherwise it will get ugly for him."


"Come on. When he learns that the whole family is going to visit, he simply has to play along. Not even he is such a spoilsport."

"You don't know him!"

"Oh no. You don't know him. You have no idea about the things he already has done. All the people he has killed. What he is capable of."

"You lie! Every word out of your mouth is a lie!"

Tirr sighed. "Why are you so stubborn? I mean, I like it when my girls fight. And if they want to see me dead as much as you do, it fills my heart with warmth. But you are pushing it to an extreme. Oh, by the way ... I like what you did with your face."

Yuna looked at him. What the hell was this monstrosity babbling about now?

"The bandages. Looks nice."

"Pah." She turned her face away from him.

"Let's have a look beneath." The Oni tore Yuna's head bandages away. First he stared perplex at her, but then he started to laugh out loud. "Holy shit! What the fuck happened to your fucking face?!"

"Fuck you!" She stared at him trembling from anger.

"Did no one tell you that you shouldn't play with fire?"

"Shut up!"

"Now, you're no longer a pretty girl, ain't that right?"

The huntress tried to pull away from him. The Oni held her in an iron grip. There was no escape.

"What a shame. Now it's going to be difficult for you to find a handsome, nice boy, so you can happily rot together for the rest of your miserable lives."

"Just shut your mouth already!"

"Then there will be no little babies for you, that I can eat with relish."

Yuna blinked at him snorting. With this monster was just no way to talk. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction and continue to fight verbally against him. Should he kill her, she didn't care anymore.

"Imagine it. You, prince charming, little babies, a dog and the good uncle Tirr, who will drown everything in blood."

"Please spare me already with your boring chatter."

Tirr looked disappointed. "You really have no sense of humor."

"I just can't stand your stupid drivel any longer. You bore me with your inconsequential babble of an insane psychopath."

"Good. I'll write it down for you."

The blade whizzed through the air. Yuna felt a sting. She bent over. Her blood dripped onto the ground.

"Oh. I completely forgot the icing on the cake."

Tirr ripped the knife out of Yuna's belly and rammed it again with a smacking sound inside. The taste of iron got in her mouth. The monster grinned cheerfully. The huntress spat some blood in his face. With his tongue he licked his cheek and tasted her.

"You taste quiet delicious."


"No. We have way too much fun with each other. Oh, I forgot ... P.S."

Again the blade pierced her belly. It took Yuna's breath away. More blood spurted from her mouth. She felt sick and tired. Tears gathered in her eye. She groaned and trembled.

"Are you going to cry now? Crying like a little baby? Like your little sisters did?"

"FUCK YOU! I WILL KILL YOU!" As she yelled at him, small drops of blood left her mouth.

"Oh yeah ... You really hate me. This feels so good."

"Why did you have to kill them?! Why did you attack us?!"

"Because your stupid father just wouldn't listen to me."

"To what?!" She blinked away the tears and stared at him blankly.

"I won't tolerate when humans kill Oni."

"You kill each other anyway, you monster!"

"Yes, but that is our nature. The course of things. For ages."

"Why my sisters? They were innocent!"

"They were ... collateral damage. One has to feed his pets." He laughed diabolically.


"I'm very curious how you are going to do that."

Blood was running from Yuna's mouth. Bloody foam left it with every breath. Slowly, her vision blurred. Tirr let go of the handle of the knife, which further stuck in the stomach of the huntress. He patted her cheek.

"Hey. Stay with me. I want you to get everything I say."

Yuna smiled at him with bloody teeth. "I'm dying."

"Whether you believe it or not. That will not kill you. It will hurt like hell. For days. And when my brother sees you like this, he will know who did this. He will come to me and join me, or die."

Yuna was panting for breath.

"This time I'm kind. If I find out that you kill more Oni, I'll rip off your fucking head and use it as a pretty, little hat. Well, as pretty as it's possible with your disfigured visage. Got that?"

"Die ..."

Tirr ruffled the blue hair of the huntress. A few hair clips loosed and fell to the ground.

"You're so cute with your self-righteous anger. I would love to keep you and torture you for the rest of your life."


"But unfortunately everything has an end and you have to catch yourself a flight."

"Huh?" Yuna looked up confused.

Tirr pushed off the ground and flung them both several feet into the air. Once he emerged above the treetops, he lashed out.

"Have a good flight." Then he threw Yuna with full force. Headfirst she sailed through the air, uncertain about the destination of her flight.

"And don't forget to write to me!", shouted Tirr, before he disappeared through the trees.

After several dozen meters, gravity took hold of her body so that she started to fall slowly. The huntress crashed with branches, which broke under her weight. Soon, the branches became thicker, until she hit one, that stopped her. Her abdominal wound burned like fire. More blood was squeezed out.

Yuna tried to hold on, but she was so weak that she couldn't hang on. She slipped off and fell on other branches below her. With weak, jerky breath she finally smashed backwards on the ground.

"I've screwed up again.", was the last thing that went through her head before she dozed off.

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now