14 First Hunt

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When the elevator doors opened on the fourth floor, the ward sister looked up. Surprised, she noticed the blue-haired girl who got out and walked over to her room.

"Didn't you want to visit your sister?", she asked.

"Yes. I forgot something."

The girl went into her room and closed the door behind herself. She went to the dresser next to the bed and opened the second drawer. She reached into it. Her hand closed around the cold steel of the scalpel handle. In another drawer she found some tape that usually was used to fixate a bandage. She lifted the hem of her pullover and fastened the scalpel with tape on her belly.

"Now I have to lure him into a trap and kill him." A little nervous Yuna left her room again. Hopefully, no one would suspect her.

"See you later.", said the sister goodbye.

"Yeah. See you later."

Relieved, the girl went back to the third floor. Now she had to find her target. For an eternity, she marched through the third floor without a trace of the Oni to be found. Sullen, Yuna threw a look at the room numbers. 313.

"Two rooms away is Yui."

Yuna went to the door of the room 317. After a brief hesitation, she opened the door and stepped inside. As expected Yui was in her bed. The blue-haired approached the bed and looked at her sister. She viewed Yui's face. Her eyes were closed, probably she was asleep. The gaze of the older went to the chest of the other girl, which raised and lowered slightly as she was breathing.

She noticed a chair that stood somewhat apart. She grabbed it and pulled it to the bed, then she sat on it.

"I'm here, Yui." She put her hand on Yui's. The blonde girl stayed asleep. "That's stupid.", thought the high school student. She checked out the details of the room and noticed that the rooms in this hospital were similarly constructed. She leaned close to her sister, to whisper in her ear.

"One of the monsters is here in the hospital, but you need not to worry. I'll take care of it. I'll be back as soon as I'm done." Yuna leaned back in her chair, to watch her sister again. "I hope you dream something beautiful. Not of dragons, or Oni."

The blue-haired rose and turned the chair back. She looked again at her little sister, who was still asleep. "Sleep well, Yui." Yuna left the room and set off again in search for the Oni.

The girl had passed through the third floor for four times, as she started to feel stupid. She took the elevator to the ground floor to get something to eat in the restaurant.

A brief study of the orientation plan later, she went without detours into the restaurant.

After Yuna had taken a sumptuous meal for her circumstances consisting of miso soup, rice and fried fish – the appetite came while eating – she wanted to search further for the Oni.

"Where could I look for him?"

Her eye wandered through the restaurant, which was attended little by this time. Two elderly men played a game of Go. A young woman was reading the newspaper. A small group of nurses probably made a tea break and chatted excitedly.

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