77 Hand in hand

44 1 7

Yuna rushed out through the door of the Pitstop. While running, she recognized Kenji in the corner of her eye, who was smoking a cigarette. She stopped and turned to face him.

"Kenji-san. Have you seen Wataru?"

"He went in this direction. It's only been a few minutes.", said the Oni, pointing down the street.

"Thank you very much."

The huntress ran on quickly. Typical for Saturday night there were many people on the road. She had to constantly stop and dodge, but due to her highly developed reflexes that was not really a problem for her. Further ahead, she could see the singer.


He took no notice of her. With his head bowed and his hands in his pockets, he walked slowly down the street. Yuna ran faster.


Within a few seconds she caught up with him.

"Wataru-san ..."

He paused, looked up and turned around. "Yuna-chan ..." The corners of his mouth lifted up a little.

"Are you leaving?", asked the girl.

"I want to go home.", he said while he ran a hand through his hair.

"Me too. Can I accompany you?"


They walked on, side by side. Wataru was to the left of Yuna. Quite the gentleman, he shielded her from the street. She glanced over at him every now and then, but did not know what to say. He made a very thoughtful impression.

"How did you like the concert?", asked the singer.

"It was nice. You were great."

Wataru chuckled. He felt obviously not like talking. Nevertheless Yuna wanted to ask her question.

"Did you have a bad fight?"

He looked over at her. "What do you mean?"

"Nobu said that Mizuki was pretty pissed."

During the next steps Wataru pondered. "It was not really a fight. She yelled at me and slapped me in the face."

She nodded. "Nobu said that you were selfish."

He sighed. "Maybe I was. Maybe I should have involved all of them."

"It was a beautiful song.", affirmed the girl.

"Sakura had written it. I adapted it and sung it." Yuna nodded again. "It was really unfair that I had them excluded."

"You can still work it out."

The young man gazed at her. "Yeah."

Silently, they walked along side by side. Yuna fancied that she felt how depressed Wataru was. Hesitantly, she reached out her left hand and touched him on the wrist.

"It's going to be fine."


She pressed her hand once more against his wrist. The singer looked over at her. She smiled at him warmly from the side. "Really. It's going to be fine."

He pulled his right hand out of his pocket. The blue-haired took it and wrapped her fingers around his. She smiled at him further and slowly he began to return her smile. "You look very beautiful tonight, Yuna-chan."

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now