74 Sakura sayonara

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Once more rose a wave of jubilation.

"I ... no ... we thank you very much. That was amazing, how you all sang along and participated. This is every musicians dream come true. Thank you very much for this experience." With a wide smile the singer stood up there and looked at the people in front of him.

Loud cheers filled the air. Sweat ran in rivulets from Wataru's forehead. His shirt was completely soaked. The other musicians were drenched in sweat too.

"How about a further encore?!", his voice echoed through the Pitstop.


"What is he up to?", hissed Mizuki at her boyfriend.

"No idea."

"Maybe he wants to impress Yuna-chan.", suspected Nobu.

The guitarist shook her head. "How embarrassing. The poor thing."

"Give me a moment.", said Wataru and scampered to the edge of the stage, where he let a security hand a bar stool up to him. He put the stool in front of the microphone and sat down. "I'm a little bit exhausted.", he joked, wiping sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.


"I wrote this song a while ago, but so far I was not ready to play it in front of people. This is a premiere so to speak."

The fan girls screamed in excitement.

"If I mess up, you are allowed to throw your vegetables at me."

Again, he earned a few laughs from the audience.

"I chewed for some time at a very tragic story. I clung to it because I just couldn't let go. That happens. You are just not ready to let go. Everyone knows that, right?"

Murmur of agreement from the audience.

"Oh, fuck.", cursed Ayumi.

"But times are changing. You mature. We grow up and at some point become ready for something new. And to let the old go."

"I don't like this.", remarked Mizuki, who watched Wataru from the backstage.

The bassist shrugged. "He wants to play another song. So what?"

"Are you that stupid, Kaito-kun? This is obviously about my sister. He wants to say goodbye to her." Nobu's expression darkened.


"We should do that together. She was our friend too.", growled Mizuki.

"What do we do?", asked Kaito.

"No idea." Nobu rubbed his temples.

"We stop him.", decided the guitar player and wanted to storm the stage.

"Wait!" Kaito and Nobu grabbed her to hold her back.

Wataru gathered his thoughts. He played a few chords, then he was ready. And began his song. The guitar sounded and filled the air with its tender melody.

"Like a child in darkest night

I'm reaching out for you

Where have you gone, is all said and done

Is it true?"

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