23. Someone Hurts You - c.h

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'Cal, do you want to come shopping?' You  up to your boyfriend.
'No they boys are coming over soon!' He shouted in reply. You shouted a response before quickly getting your keys and driving away.
Half way through shopping you spotted your ex boyfriend. He was a horrible person, he abused you both mentally and physically. So you tried to stay out of the way of him.
After another 5 minutes you couldn't bare it if he saw you, you wouldn't know what to do. So you decided to quickly pay up and rush off home to safety. But luck was not on your side today.
'Y/N!' His voice echoed behind you, you tried walking faster but he was already behind you grabbing your wrist.
'Y/N are you running away from me?' His voice slurred. You could smell the alcohol a mile away.
'Are you drunk?' You asked in disgust. 'Its not even 12!'
'Nothing like a morning drink..' His hold on your wrist getting tighter. He pulled you into an room that was  black. You tried pulling your wrist back but he wasn't letting you go.
'Let go of me' You seethed through your teeth, making him laugh. You kept trying to pull you wrist back until eventually he got bored. He let go of your wrist and flung it up to your cheek. Leaving a larger red mark. You gasped and tried to escape again. This time he tried to kiss you.
'I have a boyfriend!' You screeched.
'Your a slut! Now kiss me!' and leaned in again but your turned your head so he kissed your cheek.
'Your just a useless bitch!' He shouted before shoving you to the ground a walking out. You stay there crumpled and hurt just wanting Calum to somehow show up. Soon enough your realised that you had to get home alone so you ran out the  and to the car locking  and stepping on the pedal. Your breathing was getting heavier. Eventually you were pulling up the drive a d running in locking the door and up to your room.
'Y/N?!' Calum shouted starting to get worried. He looked at the boys who all . He made his way up the stairs and into your room to see your crying in the corner. Within a flash he was there holding you whispering sweet nothing's in your ear.
'It will be okay..shhh..what happened?' He said. You just nuzzled you head into his neck.
'Y/N what's that?' He asks, as he sees your cheek with a big red mark on it.
'My ex boyfriend' You said before crumpling down again into a waterfall of tears. You can feel his body tense up.
'He did this to you?' Which you nodded in reply. 'Oh when I see him he is going to be so fucked up' His anger boiling over. You start to shake more thinking that Calum won't be there.
'No, please don't leave me..' You whispered hugging him tightly.
'Oh of course not! Ill always be here..' He said kissing your cheek.

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