82. Convincing Them To Have A Baby

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Michael: "We've been married for over two years now, Michael, can you please explain to me why we can't have a baby already? Do you not want to have one with me?" You were in tears right now and Michael was slowly breaking, about to give in, but he had a little bit of fight left in him. "(YN), the band's still all over the place, don't you want to wait until it all settles down? I mean, it'd be less crazy." "For how long though Michael? I'm not waiting forever to have a baby. Whether we have one now or later, it's still going to be crazy, there's going to be something going on with the band. It's not going to settle down anytime soon and i really want a baby." Michael finally sighed and held you . "You really want a baby don't you?" You nod. "Yeah, it's been on my mind very much lately, and i've been staying awake at night just thinking of ways i could try and convince you to let us have a baby."You finished with a pout and he chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "Fine, you win. We'll start trying for a baby, okay? Does that make you happy?" You pull back and match his smile with one of your own. "Very much so, thank you Michael."

Luke: He was the youngest in the band, the last to get married and was now the only member without a baby. So many that you guys just didn't want one, but that wasn't the case, not at all. You wanted one terribly but Luke was the one shaking his head and walking away when you brought the subject up, but today you weren't going to let him escape so easily. "You're quiet today." He noted during dinner and you nodded. "And?" "Why?" "You know why." You muttered and he let out a loud sigh. "You're still on about having a baby aren't you?" Looking up you gave your answer and Luke shook his head. "Why do you want one so bad right now?" You dropped your silverwear. "Luke, everyone else has a baby. All of your band mates, all of my siblings, your siblings, our friends. Everyone has a baby and they're so happy. Everyone but me. I want a baby, i want what they have and i just, i don't get why you don't." "I don't think i'll be a good dad, why would i want to have a baby if i think i'm going to be a bad dad." "You're not going to be a terrible dad, it's going to be a , yes, but we'll get through it together, please consider it, for me, please!" Luke was battling a war in his head until he finally nodded. "Fine, if you want a baby so bad, we'll have a baby, just, you really think i'll be a good dad?" You grin. "You're going to be the best."

Ashton: Lately you'd been trying to drop hints to Ashton about having a baby, like every time you went to the store or whenever you saw a baby in public, you'd give him 'the look' and he'd just shake his head. "What is it with you and babies lately?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders. "Maybe i want a baby." "With me?" "Who else, Ashton, you're my fiance, you'd be the only person i want to have a baby with." Ashton stopped walking and you gave him a once over and sighed sadly. "You don't want a baby do you?" He was trying to come up with the right words. "I'm just not sure, i'm ready for that, i mean i have my  but to have one of my own, that's a big difference." You nodded. "It may be a big difference, but it's one i'm desperately wanting to try Ashton." He looked around to make sure you weren't making a scene, and you weren't. "What about me being on tour? You won't be able to come with me all the time and i'd want to see my baby all the time, (YN)." You smirked. "I kind of made some calls and yes i would be able to go with you, and you'd be able to see the baby everday." "Why'd you call already?" He asked and you grinned. "I'm already pregnant Ashton."

Calum: It had gone to desperate measures for you and when you went to Calum's mom and sister for help to try and convince him to have a baby, Calum knew that meant you wanted a baby really bad. "You had to take the big trip didn't you?" He asked referring to your talking to his mom and sister. "Yeah," You grin. "They want a grandchild, niece or nephew. And i want a son or daughter, Calum. Can you imagine them walking around, looking just like you or me, playing instruments, singing, putting their uncles through hell? It'd be awesome." He grinned. "Yeah it would be, can you imagine them playing sports or acting or whatever it is that they want to do." You saw him getting happier and more comfortable with the idea of becoming parents and he noticed it to and gave you a quick . "You had this planned all along, huh. Talking to me about babies just to make me agree to having one. Now you got me picturing having them, (YN)!" "Good." You say and he shook his head. "How do you do it?" "I don't know, i'm just that good. Being your wife really makes my head spin and when those good ideas come spinning around, you better be ready." He laughed. "I probably won't be ready, but you'll give me that kick in the ass to get ready. So, when do we begin this  thing?" You gave him a big kiss. "Whenever you're ready." He laughed and rolled you over on the bed. "I'm ready now."

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