32. He Finds Out Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You

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Michael was absolutely terrified when he saw you in his flat, sobbing your eyes out. His eyes widened as he tried to awkwardly comfort you. You'd been so happy lately, what with things with your long-time boyfriend going so well. He'd be lying to himself if he said he wasn't insanely jealous of the lucky man that got to kiss you and hold you, but if you were happy, so was he. His arms were wrapped over your shaking shoulders as he quietly asked you what was wrong. You snapped and shoved him off of you, standing up. "He was cheating on me!" You screamed in frustration, flinging a pillow across the room in anger. "(Y/b/n)?" Michael asked in confusion. "Of course, (y/b/n), who the heck else?" You hissed, causing Michael to  back from you. "Sorry..." you muttured, massaging your temples. "I just thought... I was going to tell him I was in love with him. I thought he loved me, too." Your voice cracked, as you were about to cry. Your throat was tightening and burning as you stood there with your arms wrapped around your waist. Michael silently got up and walked over to you, taking your face in his hands. "You're so much better than that snob, (y/n). He's an idiot for not realizing how amazing and lovely and smart and beautiful you are." Michael sighed. You looked up, and your gaze flicked to his lips, and temptation overcame you. You pressed your lips to his longingly, kissing him with need and hunger. You suddenly realized what you were doing and pulled back. Michael was smiling timidly as you gasped, covering your mouth. "Was I that bad? I might be a little rusty, but..." "I'm so sorry, Michael..." You said, mentally scolding yourself for you actions. "Sorry for what?" "I kissed you!" "So?" You fell silent, and he leaned in again. "Michael... I want to do this, but I want to take it slow, please? My boyfriend did just cheat on me..." You trailed of, causing him to chuckle. "Right," He sighed. "I think we're both in need of some Ben & Jerry's." You said, dragging him to the freezer.


"Calum?" You sniffled into the phone, desperately trying to hold back tears. "(Y/n)? Is everything okay?" He asked in an alarmed tone, clearly picking up your distraught voice. "Y-yeah... can you just c-come over please?" You asked, hanging up without waiting for a reply. Minutes later, your doorbell rang, and you flung the door , crashing into Calum's unsuspecting chest. He stood there, stunned for a moment, before wrapping his arms around you and moving the two of you inside. "(Y/n), would you mind telling me what happened?" Calum asked, stroking your hair as the two of your sat on your couch. "Well, I was out with my friends and we were just at the mall and I needed to go to the bathroom, so my best friend went with me and on the way we saw a couple making out on the bench..." you stopped and  sobbing, clutching the fabric of his t-shirt. "It was (y/b/n)," You said when you regained your breath. "Oh my God, (y/n), are you sure?" Calum asked, sitting up and facing you. You nodded, wiping away tears. "I called his name and he turned around and then (y/bff/n) dumped her Starbucks on him." You hiccuped. "Calum, tomorrow's our six month anniversary." You sighed, leaning back into his chest. "Hey, (y/n), it's going to be okay, I promise. The guy is a jerk, and you're so much better than him." Calum reassured you, smoothing down your hair, which you were sure was a tangled mess. "If I'm so much better than him, why did he cheat on me?" You cried, putting your head in your hands. "(Y/n)! He cheated on you because he's a selfish, no good scumbag who doesn't realize the girl he has is perfect in every way possible. I swear, (y/n), if I ever see that guy I'll-" "Calum," You giggled through tears. "You don't have to be violent." "Right," He chuckled, tucking you under the crook of his arm. "(Y/n), I know now might not be the best time, but... I love you. A lot." He admitted, running his hand through his hair. You jaw dropped before you smiled. "Your timing couldn't have been worse, Hood." You laughed. "Well, I can help you get your mind off of jerkface..." Calum suggested, taking your hand. "Oh? How?" "I have some ideas," Calum rasied his eyebrows and smirked.


"I swear, (y/n), I'll murder this guy." Ashton fumed. "Ashton, it's not a big deal. We weren't working out anyways, and I got to slap him across the face." You said, moving closer to him. "Darn it, (y/n), it is a big deal!" He slammed his fist against the wall, causing you to jump back in shock. "He had you. He had you, and he thoguht you weren't good enough! I swear, (y/n), it makes me so angry. He had you, and he didn't even care. I've worked day and night, and I still can't convince myself I'm worthy enough to date you! (Y/n), I can't wrap my mind around the idea that someone would even think it's... it's..." He stopped, his voice faltering. "Ashton..." You gasped, placing your arm on his bicep. "I didn't... I had no idea." You said sincerely, your heart pouding. He wanted to date you. He didn't look at you, and focused on his beat up black shoes. "Yeah, well... now you do." He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Ashton... I love you." You blurted out, surprising the both of you. "Y-you you do?" He stuttered, finally looking you in the eye. It was your turn to study your shoes as you blushed, crossing your arms over your chest. You nodded, and he used his hand to cup your chin so you would meet his gaze. "(Y/n)... I love you. I love you so much, and I promise you I'll never be unfaithful to you, and I'll never hurt you." You nodded, tears pricking your eyes. "I know, Ashton. I know." Within seconds, his lips were crashing onto yours, and even though tears were falling from your eyes, you felt nothing but utter joy as your heart pounded and you wrapped your arms around his neck.


You were sitting at the boys' , eating  and talking about concert mishaps when your phone buzzed, signalling a text message. That was all it took, one text message, for your whole world to crash around you. It was from your best friend, and it was your boyfriend with his arm around some tall, model-like girl. She head her lips pressed to his neck, and he looked determined to leave. "If it means anything to you, I shoved him into the fountain. I'm so sorry, (y/n)." She texted you. You could feel your throat tightening, and you had that awful feeling everyone got when they were two words away from crying. "(Y/n)?" Luke asked from the seat next to you. You shook your head and covered your mouth, eyes burning. "What's wrong?" He asked, his expression immedaitely changing to one of concern. You held out your phone to him, and within seconds his arms were around you. "Oh my God, (y/n)..." He murmured. You were still in shock, not crying, but not speaking. "What happened?" Michael asked. "Her... her boyfriend is cheating on her." Luke said. Those words confirmed that what was happening was real. You broke down crying, bringing your knees up to your chest and resting your head against them. You felt Luke rubbing your back as you heaved, trying desperately to stop crying. You felt like such an idiot. "I feel so stupid," You sobbed. "(Y/n), look at me." Luke said sternly, taking your face in his hands. "You are far from stupid. In fact, you're the smartest girl I know. You're beautiful and amazing and talented and I'm so in love with you I could-" Luke stopped short, realizing what he said and slowly averted his eyes. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have..." He trailed off, blushing. "N-no... Luke it's okay." You said in realization. "I'm in love with you, too. Oh my God, Luke, I'm in love with you! Not (y/b/f)!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around him. He smiled awkwardly, hugging you back. "Maybe I should, um, break up with my boyfriend first." You said, grabbing your phone. You had a very important phone call to make.

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