Airplanes and Shooting Stars (part 3)

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I promise that this is the last part!!!
How will Maine and Rj meet again?
How will the story end?
Read on and let me know what you liked the best!

I hope you enjoy it!

You can share the parts you liked the best via twitter: @mjcathy24 or through comments here in wattpad.

After the flight to New York, Rj and Maine were busy with their respective itineraries. Rj, with the shows planned for Filipino fans in New York and Maine with her planned vacation in her most favorite city in the world.

Rj hasn't DM'd Maine yet - he's a bit hesitant since he just met her after all.
R: Baka isipin niya, stalker ako. So I'll just check her tweets then retweet or like them. Buwelo muna, dahan-dahan lang.

Maine, on the other hand, couldn't contain her kilig whenever she sees Rj liking or retweeting her tweets.
M: Umayos ka Menggay! Huwag kang masyadong kiligin! Like or RT lang yan! Ni hindi pa nga nagco-comment or nag-D-DM sayo. Kalma lang... *breathes out*
"Alden Richards liked your tweet"
M: (cover face with pillow) *muffled scream*

Though Rj and Maine went their separate ways, fate seemed to be playing a game with them - if this were a movie, a montage would be showing now as they go around New York and barely miss meeting each other in almost every place they went to.

Both being in opposite ends of Battery Park at the same time;
Rj passing through a diner as Maine was eating pancakes for breakfast;
Being on the same ferry to Staten Island but one being on the starboard and the other on the port side;
Rj taking a picture with the Charging Bull on Wall Street 5 minutes after Maine left.

Their nearest "almost" meeting was at the top of the Empire State Building. Maine was taking a selfie just as Rj arrived. He was going in the same direction where Maine was, when he got distracted by a child's cry on the other side of the building.

He changed directions and headed over to where the child was when suddenly, a shooting star came out of the sky. Silly as it may be, he still believes that wishes do come true.

Unbeknownst to him, Maine also saw the shooting star, so at the same time they closed their eyes and made a wish...
R/M: Star light, star bright,
           First star I see tonight;
           Wish I may, Wish I might,
           Have the wish I wish tonight
           *silent wish*

After wishing on the star, Maine headed to the elevator and Rj went on to enjoy the sights and sounds of New York from up high.

And on Rj's last day in New York, he decided to spend the remainder of this wonderful summer afternoon at Central Park.
R: Might as well enjoy my last free day in New York doing what I love best - communing with nature.

Rj went around the park without any fixed itinerary. He went to view Greywacke Arch, Winterdale Arch, Bow Bridge, Bethesda Castle, and being a pet lover, went to see the statue of Balto.

As he arrived there, a woman was trying to carefully climb down - probably took a picture of the statue - when she suddenly slipped and was about to fall!

Rj didn't hesitate to rush over and caught the woman in his arms.
R: Miss, are you alright? M-Maine?!?!
M: *catches breath* Rj?!?

Maine couldn't be more embarrassed at this time. This time, she just didn't "bump" into Rj, she fell directly into his arms!
M: Um, Rj, um, I think you can put me down?

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