Tease Me

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Hi guys! I posted this yesterday as a Quick Harot Fic in twitter. Now sharing it in Wattpad as well. Grabe itong dalawang ito kung magpakilig, na-inspire ako bigla magsulat ng super short fic. Managed to write this in less than 20 minutes!

Hope you like it! Do watch out for my new stories - not necessarily Alden and Maine ang characters though by the way.

Happy reading!
*Facetime Call*

"Hi babe! Ang aga mo naman nagising!" Maine cheerfully greeted Rj.

"At ikaw, hindi ka pa rin natutulog. Sleep should be a priority over blog updates and online shopping, babe. Ikaw din ang mahihirapan nyan mamaya," he answered in a sleep-roughened voice which sent chills down her spine.

"Umm, I wanted to sleep pero my mind couldn't stop thinking. So when I suddenly felt like updating my blog and doing some online shopping, I did it," answered Maine distractedly.

She was thinking of Rj's voice and what usually follows when they're talking and his voice suddenly becomes gravelly - it frequently starts with teasing kisses and caresses, followed by —

"Babe! Babe, huy! Kanina pa ako nagsasalita dito hindi mo ako pinapansin. Ano bang iniisip mo dyan?" Rj teased her with a knowing smile, seeing her flushed cheeks and glazed eyes.

She turned beet red after getting caught "fantasizing" about them.

"Wala lang! Iniisip ko yung mga bibilhin ko! Super excited to get them na kasi," she fibbed.

"What are you wearing now?" he asked, quickly changing topics even if he knows well-enough what she had on. Heck, all of her fans know what she has on since she posted the detail on her latest blog update.

"Teka, magkaka-whiplash naman ako sa bilis mong mag-change topic. Pag-usapan muna natin yung online purchases ko," she hedged.

"NO. Tell me what you're wearing now," Rj demanded with a sensual glint in his eyes.

"Uhh, um, a skintight satin top and neon shorts."

"And you had to post that in the blog, because?" Rj challenged.

"Wala lang, I wanted people to know that I was supposed to sleep but I got distracted by my online shopping."

"Hmmm, are you sure? Is that your final answer? Was it really for them? Or for ME? Did you want me to read that blog update, then come over and find out for myself?"

"Nooo! It just came out - didn't intend to tease you with it... but..." Meng suddenly had an impish grin.

"But what?"

Looking straight into Rj's face on the phone, she huskily answered, "If you come over quickly, you can see a sample of what I have on underneath my sleepwear... which is a preview of the items I ordered online - in time for our next tour abroad. I need help... shopping."

She then bit her lip and swept the phone quickly down her body to give Rj a glimpse of what he's missing at the moment.

Drawing in a harsh breath, Rj stood up, quickly grabbed his keys and said, "I'll be there as fast as I can to personally check what you have on and give my very objective feedback to help you... with your online shopping purposes. Wait for me, I'm ready to be... at your service."

(A/N: Rj, the Iron Man, now the running man! :D)

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