Hanging Blouse

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Hi guys! Happy 37th Weeksary to AlDub nation!
We'll have 2 parts posted here and one in "The Calculator".

This part is from Mommy Ning (@melning41002) - this is posted as is, i.e. unedited.

I will be posting my part later (after my team dinner). It will be a slightly naughtier part/update 😏.

The naughtiest parts will be written by magicheart21 in her book "The Calculator". So watch out for that 😳🙈.

Happy 37th weeksary to all of us and hope you like our pemily convo!

Image © aldub.scientist IG
***Rj calling***

"Babe, naman. Told you so many times, dont wear revealing clothes!"

"And hello to you too, Mr Faulkerson Jr!"

"Hey, Babe. Ok na? Told you..."

"...not to wear revealing clothes to barangay. Yeah yeah. Pero hindi naman revealing suot ko, Love."

"Hindi? Eh nung sumayaw ka nakita pusod mo..."

"Eh syempre sumayaw! Ano baaaaa? Ang disente kaya ng damit koooo!"

"Eh basta Babe wag na ganun next time ha? Plith? Plith?"

"Ok, RJ. You won again as always! Lapit na ko Broadway! Do you have the cupcakes! Akin lang yaaaan!"

"Im done already. Just waiting for you"

"Im on the curve, RJ. Inform your security"

"Ok. I will. Bye!"
***call ends***

Rj's van
"Hey, mith you..."

"Mith agad. Kakausap lang natin sa phone."

"Every time, Babe. Every single time.."

"Tara na? Eh teka, where's the cupcakes?
Ang harot mo kanina! Ikaaaaw!"

"Whaaat? Hahaha. Whipped cream has this effect on me.."

"Hala syaaaa. Bakit?"

"Basta! Hahaha. Hug nga, Babe. Mith kita sobra. Atsaka may punishment ka. Hindi ka na naman sumunod sa guidelines..."

"Huuuyyy ano yun? Ehhh, kakahiya kay kuya oh. Maririnig tayo"

"Eh ano? Sanay na sya sa atin! Hahaha. Hug na plith?"

"Hays. Pabebe mo!"

"Love mo 'ko..."

"Oo na! Love kita. Hug na dali!"

Rj hugged Maine ever so lovingly as he always does. He hugged her as if he never wants to let go. Maine in turn puts her arms around Rj's neck. They hugged for a good 10mins.

"Babe, your blouse is taking a toll on me."

"Hala syaaaa. Inaano ka ba ng blouse ko?"

"Its the reason why I dont want you wearing revealing clothes without me beside you"

"Grabe syaaaa. Kuya, pakibilisan na nga po ang pagda-drive para makauwi na agad 'tong katabi ko. Kung anu-ano na naman naiisip eh!"

"Hahaha. Babe! Oo nga kuya, pakibilisan para makauwi na kami!"

"Richard Faulkerson Jr ha! Yang ngiti mo at kilay mo! Oh my gosh!!"

"Hahaha. You didnt obey my rules so you get a punishment, Missy!"

"Grabe sya talagaaaaa!"

"I love you so much, Babe. Gosh, I love you until the day I die!"

----- Next part will be courtesy of Yours Truly and will be posted in 2 hours 😏

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