Prom Night (pt 1)

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A/N: Hi! How are you guys! I missed all of you! Hugs!

Looking at the SC from Maine last night inspired me to come up with an AU story inspired by Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me". She's a geek, he's a jock. She's virtually invisible, he's the campus heartthrob. #PAANO , right?

I'm writing this in one to three parts, so I hope you like the first installment! Happy long weekend and happy reading!

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" said a deep yet annoyingly cheerful voice waking her up from a lovely dream. In that dream her best friend confessed his love and was about to kiss her when this guy...

Wait, why is a guy in my room? And that voice sounds like... But... How? Did her mom...?

Slowly opening her eyes, she looked at the blurry image of someone seated on the side of her bed. Reaching towards the nightstand, she put on her glasses and sees... HER BEST FRIEND, Rj!

She suddenly sat up, clutching the bedsheet to her chest. Oh Lord, please let the bed swallow me whole at this moment. I must look a fright!

"Faulkerson, what the heck are you doing at this ungodly hour of," she reached for her phone and her eyes widened at the time. "8:00am! Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I'm late for a club meeting in school!"

She jumped off the bed, forgetting the fact that she's wearing a sleep shirt with no shorts underneath. She was bent over, rummaging through her clothes, looking for something to wear when she heard Rj clear his throat behind her.

"What? Just say it, Faulkerson!" she snarled.

"While I'm loving the view I have over here, I feel that if I don't tell you, you'll kill me instead. So, Mendoza, kindly straighten up because you're flashing me with your shapely butt over here."

Gasping, she stood up and twirled around to face his smirking face. "Faulkerson! How long did it take you to tell me that my butt is showing?"

"Hmm, I think I've been looking since you ran to the dresser."

"You're really no gentleman! Why didn't you say so sooner? And what are you doing in my room anyway? Don't you have a practice to attend?"

Rj laid down on her bed, propped his head on his elbow before answering. "I've never been a gentleman - you've known that since I stole a kiss from Meg in 3rd Grade. No need to tell me about something I know. On the reason why I'm here, I just wanted to remind you that tonight is prom night. You promised me that you'll be my date so I'm reminding you about it and making sure you wouldn't be backing out."

Maine bit her lip and tried to think of an excuse not to attend. To be honest, she's not even sure what made him ask her out. She's a nerd, he's a jock. She's clumsy, he's self-assured. She's never been kissed, he's kissed almost the entire population of women in San Andreas High.

"Rj, about that, maybe you can look for a--"

"Nuh-uh! You promised! You can't back out now."

"I don't even know why you asked me out. Is it because of pity? Because no one asked me to? Or is it because your dad is going to cancel your allowance if you didn't invite me out?"

She saw Rj sit up on the bed and stared at her with an uncharacteristically serious look on his face. "Maine, I asked you out because I wanted to, not because someone asked or forced me to. Now, if you said yes to me out of pity, then fine. Back out now. I'll just go to the prom by myself."

Feeling guilty at what Rj said, she finally agreed. "Ok, fine, I believe you. But why you asked me out when you can have a better pick is beyond me."

Rj stood up and approached her. "Hey, it's our last year in High School and next year we might be going to different universities. I want to attend my final prom with someone I enjoy spending time with, not someone who is just eye candy but empty up here," he answered and tapped her temple.

"Okay fine! Now go and let me finish getting ready for my writing club meeting! I'm late enough as it is!"

"Alright, I'll see you tonight, Menchikins!" Then with a pat on her butt and a wink, he left.

As soon as he was gone, she leaned back on the wall and closed her eyes. What have I gotten myself into?

Sitting back down on the bed, she reached for their photo on her nightstand. This photo was taken during one of the school plays and he was helping her out with the props. Rj took a picture of themselves together to remind her that he's a good best friend since he helped her out, never mind that he left her behind as he went out with the lead actress of the play afterwards.

 Rj took a picture of themselves together to remind her that he's a good best friend since he helped her out, never mind that he left her behind as he went out with the lead actress of the play afterwards

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They have been friends since they were toddlers and even if they grew up as different as night and day, they remained close. At first, she didn't understand why girls loved to be around him. Her friend Val said that Rj is so freaking handsome that there must be something wrong with her if she doesn't notice it.

Until one day, her friend Val showed her a candid shot she took of her with Rj. She managed to capture the same expression on her face similar to those of Rj's admirers.

Holy Moly! She has a crush on her best friend!

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Holy Moly! She has a crush on her best friend!

She has managed to accept that he will never look at her the same way he does with his other girls. At least she's the best friend, right? She'll always be there while the girls he goes out with go through his life like it's a revolving door.

But what if she can make him look at her differently?

The best she can hope for is to make her dream from this morning come true and make her BEST friend her BOYfriend. The worst is that he laughs at her, asking why she looks weird and so glammed up for a simple prom. She can then say it's a prank to test if he can manage not to hit on her when she's dolled up. They can laugh together while inside her heart will break. But they'll still be best friends afterwards so no harm done, right?!?

Taking a deep breath, she vows to make him notice her TONIGHT. Picking up the phone, she calls the one person who can help her out.

"Val? It's me, Maine. Today's the day you've been waiting for. I need help to get ready for the prom tonight."

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