
364 31 11

Individual Chapter

Sherlock, where are you? I just walked into the flat and I can basically smell the tension?

Don't bother.

Sherlock who is this woman, hysterically sobbing on our couch?

And where are you?

I have so many questions.

Don't ask them.

Sherlock, who is she?

A client.

A client that's is sobbing in our living room?

I only told her that her shirt didn't match her pants and that it was bothering me.

You didn't say it like that, did you?

Maybe not.

I'll try to help her.

The sobs are getting quite annoying. Hurry up.


What's your favorite pizza topping?
-Mine is pineapple :D

(P.S. I wanted to clear up that there won't be a continuation of yesterday's story, I left the ending unknown so y'all could decide how it ends for yourself :D)

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