Doctor: 2

137 17 2

Multi-Part Chapter: Part 2

"The Doctor?" John said quizzically. 

"Have you not heard of me?" said the older man.

"No, not quite. So, then, what's your actual name?"

"The Doctor. Just call me the Doctor" the gray-haired man waved his hand around and proceeded to ask a question, "Is this Baker Street?"

John nodded slowly, inching his eyebrows closer together, still confused about who this man was.

"Wonderful" the Doctor grabbed Clara's hand and pushed John aside gently and disappeared behind the wooden gate.

John stood there, dumbfounded. Who was this man? Why was he looking for Baker Street?

John peeked into the blue box, only to find that it was... no... surely his eyes were playing tricks on him. Surely this was sleep deprivation from all the cases that Sherlock and he had been solving. It can't be...

"It's bigger on the inside" John whispered to himself. 

"Yeah" John heard Clara's voice behind him, "It's spectacular isn't it?"

John turned around, giving her a slight smile and she grinned back at him.

"Go ahead, step inside" she urged.

John took a small step, gripping the handle bars. This is unreal. It's bigger on the inside, truly. He looked outside again, seeing the four blue walls that were definitely very small and by no means housing a giant room inside.

"Extraordinary" John said, "Amazing".

He made his way over to the control panel, listening to the quiet whirls and whooshes of the machine. He heard Clara behind him, "Just don't push any buttons or pull any levers".

John shook his head, "I won't".

Clara let him walk around for a couple of minutes before calling his name, "Alright John, come with me, the Doctor is waiting for us".

She walked a little but in front of John, he short brown hair bouncing up and down with her every step. They made it back to the front door, where the Doctor was leaning against it and tapping his left foot impatiently.

Left handed. John made an observation. 

He unlocked the door and led the visitors up to the living room, shushing them as they sat down on the couch. Clara giggled a little bit and the Doctor elbowed her gently in the side before smiling himself.

John went to go wake Sherlock up.

"Sherlock" he tried to shake him awake, "Sherlock".

"Sherlock!" he raised his voice, "Wake up!"

Sherlock yawned, opening one eye and stretching, "What is it?"


"It's 2 AM"

"You'll want this"



"You know me well, I'll be out in five, " he said, swinging his legs onto the floor and stretching again.

Do you like writing essays?
-I feel like I'm the only one but I actually like writing essays, and I think I do them pretty well too, which is an added bonus. Any excuse to write, I guess xD

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