Doctor: 3

142 16 3

Multi-Part Chapter: Part 3 (Last Part)

"So, what is the problem then?" Sherlock said. 

"Well, we did just tell you, have you been listening?" Clara answered, a disappointing look gracing her gentle features. 

"I have been,  but I don't see the problem" Sherlock scratched his nose. 

"Well, somebody did get kidnapped"

"On another planet? Not even in this solar system?" Sherlock laughed dryly.

"You don't even know what a solar system is" John whispered, earning a disapproving glance from his flatmate.

"Well, you're supposed to be the best," Clara said.

"I am" Sherlock assured, "but why me? I'm sure there are others that are on that planet that can relate better to the actions that happened? I'm not too familiar with other planets, I didn't even know they existed until about half an hour ago" Sherlock said, checking his watch.

"Well, they do. And they need your help" the Doctor replied, getting a little agitated.

"I can't help, sorry, can't really travel to other planets, I'll get too bored back on Earth then," Sherlock said, leaving the room.

"I think he's scared to admit that there is something that he didn't know about" John chuckled, "I can come with you, help you out, I've picked some things up from him, some skills, from living with him for so long".

"That'd be lovely" the Doctor popped up from the couch, "We're leaving now, meet us at the TARDIS," he said, barreling down the stairs.

TARDIS? John thought. He assumed it was the blue box.

He walked into the bedroom where Sherlock was sitting on the bed, his hands steepled under his chin. 

"I'm going to go with them," John said, "Just for a couple of hours, it'd be cool to see another planet and the types of people that live there".

Sherlock acknowledged his comment by opening one eye and then closing it. John changed out of his night clothes and left, after telling Sherlock a curt bye. Before he stepped out onto the street he heard Sherlock's voice from the top of the stairs. 

"John" John turned around at the sound of his flatmates' voice, "Be careful".

John's heart melted at the caring words, "Thank you, you too".


The planet that they landed on (Ooolahmp) had a lot of weird creatures (the Doctor explained that it was a planet full of different kinds of aliens, all friendly). They went to see some witnesses of the kidnapping and spent some time gathering various perspectives. One alien grabbed John's attention. He was shifty, avoided eye contact, wrung his hands and scratched behind his neck a lot. All the signs of a liar. 

"It's the guy who kept scratching his neck," John told Clara and the Doctor, "I'm sure".

"Thank you, Doctor Watson" Clara said, "We'll go and get him. Make him make a confession. You can go rest back at the TARDIS".

John nodded and walked back through the crowded streets towards the blue box. He stuck the key that Clara gave him into the keyhole and opened the doors. He sat down by the control panel and listened to the soothing sounds that eventually lulled him to sleep.


"John" somebody called.

"John" he felt someone's hand on his shoulder.

"John" someone was shaking him.

He opened his eyes.

Bed. Somebody sitting next to him. Blinds are drawn. Darkness with a little light shining through. 

"Sherlock?" John asked, rubbing his eyes, "How did I get home?"

"You never left?" Sherlock looked really confused.

"What do you mean... I did, you said to be careful and I went with Clara and the Doctor to a different planet. You don't remember?" John rambled, confused.

"You never left tonight, we were asleep the whole night because we got a bit buzzed yesterday. It's 6 AM" Sherlock said, getting out of bed and heading into the attached bathroom.

John had never had a dream that was so vivid before. He hopped out of bed and ran to the window, peering behind the curtain.

No blue box in the corner. 

"Hm," John thought, "I have a good imagination".

"I guess that explains why you didn't take the case that would have taken you to a different planet. That was so unlike you" John told Sherlock when he heard him come back into the room.


Later in the day, John had gone out into the back alley to look at the place where the TARDIS had been parked in his dream. It seemed so real.

Of course, nothing was there.


He picked up a tiny note that was halfway buried in the dirt and shook the dust off of it. He read it and smiled.

Thanks for all the help. He confessed.
           xxxx Clara & the Doctor

John smiled. He hadn't dreamt it. It was real.

With a satisfied heart and a broadened mind, he went back inside and never mentioned it again. 

The following Sunday he decided to place a response to the note in the corner of the back alleyway. 

If you ever need more help, I'm free. Unless I have a case with Sherlock.
                                 Thanks for everything, John Watson

The next morning, the note was gone.

Have you ever had a dream that felt really real?
-I definitely have but I can't really recall any. I just know that I realize that it was a dream when I wake up haha. 

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