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Individual Chapter (Doing an oldie but goodie today, episode reactions at the end).

Who's picking up Rosie from daycare?

I just got to a crime scene. Doesn't look bad, but there will probably be paperwork.

How long?


Okay, I'm off in twenty, I'll pick up Rosie.

Sorry John. Wish I could do it, but the case was unexpected.

No worries! Can you actually pick up some diapers on the way back? We're almost out and this child is quite a bomb maker.

Of course I can. I'll see you soon, John.

Thank you Sherl <3

Read by Sherly at 6:50pm.

-Let's discuss.

I'm seeing a lot of reactions from the last episode, so I thought I would throw my thoughts into the mix too (I posted this last night on my 'wall' on Wattpad, but I thought to post it here because I added a few parts).
If you're happy or sad because of the ending, just know that the fandom has always been there, and it will always be there. Since 1886, Holmes and Watson have been together, in one way or the other, and I don't believe that will ever disappear. They will live on through the fanfiction, through the drawings, through our imaginations. Who knows, maybe the next season will take all of our feelings and all of our feedback and make use of it.
That being said, I'm not disappointed by the episode, as many others appear to be quite upset. I think there are a few plot holes, but I'm cutting them some slack, because this is a big production that has really tied the past 4 seasons together. They're humans, not perfect. I know I may get backlash because of this, but please respect my opinion, as I will respect yours, whatever it may be.
There were many good points in that episode & in the season overall. We got development between Sherlock & Mycroft. We saw that Sherlock thinks John is family. We saw new scenes with Moriarty. Thank you to the actors, the directors, the screenwriters, the editors & everyone else for making this show possible.
I'm crossing my fingers for another season.
The ending.. the ending was very open. It was both a finale and an open end for another season. People can interpret the ending as them just remaining friends and solving cases together, or them becoming something more. I think, judging by Mary's message and them playing so happily together with Rosie, that it was something more than a friendship. I don't know if we'll ever know for sure, but it's up to you to make your own end, I guess.
Thanks for an amazing season, and thank you guys for sticking with me through it. I'll continue writing, of course. The fandom that started it all, really. Back then, in 1886.
How could I ever leave it?

Now, let's talk about last nights episode. (spoilers ahead. duh).
*The kid? Victor? Did he not have parents? Nobody looked for him when he disappeared? haha. Also, nobody bothered to check the deep well?
*The fact that Sherlock considers John family is so so cute.
*Sherlock's compliment towards Mycroft about Lady Blackwell was so telling. Even though they fight, they are still brothers and love each other.
*I don't know how I feel about what they did to Molly in this episode. It's kind of like, they used her as another plot device. I thought she was engaged? Like, she's moved on from Sherlock?
*The ending, even though super cliche, was very very cute. I loved the notion of 'there will always be Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson'.
*Eurus was definitely a very chilling villain, and I guess that I hoped that they would just keep her like that, but I understand and I'm happy that Sherlock, Mycroft and the rest of the family is spending more time with her. I think she'll get better eventually, then imagine how unstoppable the Holmes family will be?
*There's so many other small points, like when John puts the headphones on the skull at the end and smiles at Sherlock, they're a married couple and nobody can prove me wrong.

As mentioned before, I will respect your opinion about the episode, so please respect mine, I'm choosing to share this with you.

Now! Please! Discuss in the comments, and I will try to get back to as many of you as possible. Thanks for reading! <33

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