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Individual Chapter

(A/N: Props to @samsterrocks112 for the idea :D)

221B Baker Street was filled with the scent of Christmas cookies that were baking in the oven, courtesy of John who made the batter from scratch. Sherlock Holmes was slouching on the couch, trying not to listen to the Christmas music that was blaring from the radio that stood on top of the mantle place.

"Can you turn that down?" The detective asked angrily.

"Don't spoil the mood Sherlock" John pleaded.

John proceeded to hang up the lights around the apartment, making it glow with red and green.

"That's so bright, put them away!" Sherlock, turned on the couch, facing the back.

"Sherlock!" John scolded, he just wanted to enjoy Christmas with Sherlock and Sherlock was making that task hard.

The cookies were out of the oven, the lights glowing and the candle burning. John had wrapped all the gifts for their friends: Molly, Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade and Mary.

"Why are you wrapping those?" Sherlock asked, after a loud yawn.

"Because it's Christmas time, that's what people do" John sighed and glared at Sherlock. He was getting really frustrated with his flatmate now.

After ten more minutes of putting bows on gifts, John asked Sherlock to help him put up the Christmas tree because it was a 'happy time so stop sulking Sherlock'.

All that the detective did was scoff and face the back of the couch and curl up into a ball. This pushed John over the edge.

"FINE! THEN SULK FOR THE NEXT THIRTY YEARS!" He yelled and then walked to his bedroom and slammed the door.

Sherlock looked at the wall, wide eyed, and climbed off of the couch.

He picked up the box of decorations and walked over to John's door. He knocked lightly.

John opened the door, his arms crossed in front of his chest, an angry looked plagued his face.

"Come decorate the tree with me?" Sherlock held up a red Christmas ornament.

John's arms fell to his side, a breath escalating him and he smiled.

"Let's go" he said, joy radiating from the blogger.

The Christmas tree came out perfectly in the end and Sherlock and John spent Christmas watching TV, solving cases, eating pizza and sharing a lot of laughs and memories.

Do you have any traditions that you do during Christmas?
-My family always spends Christmas together and we make a bunch of food together and then eat it all :D

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