Traditions: 1

224 20 15

Multi-Part Chapter: Part 1

What are your family traditions for Christmas?


No reason...

We don't have any


Fine. We get together and make food the whole day, even though Mycroft is always too 'busy' with his 'government problems' to show up for the food making, and in the evening we watch Holidays movies and eat the food we make. It's quite barbaric honestly. However, I'll admit, I do enjoy it, believe it or not, it's nice spending some carefree time with my family

What if we invited them here this year?

Like.. a party?

No, to stay over for the holidays! Just your parents and we have a spare bedroom now.

Um.. no.

Why not. It would be lovely.

If you wish.. If it'll make the holidays better for you..

I'll let them know.

What's your favorite album right now?
-Mine is the whole Hamilton soundtrack right now. God, I love it. And I get to see the show next June :')

P.S. What do you think John means when he says that they have a spare bedroom now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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