Dating A Band Member And Related To Another -Michael Clifford

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"No, Calum pour in the batter!" You said, giggling as he rubbed half of it onto your face. "But your face looks cute covered in chocolate frosting!" You again as he smiled, pouring in the batter. "You make a cute chef." You said, kissing his cheek as he smiled. "And you make a sexier chef." He bent down, pressing his lips onto yours as you two started to kiss passionately. Your hand squeezed his bum as he moaned into your mouth, someone clearing their throat behind you. It was your brother Michael. "Making me cake?" He asked, as both your cheeks were red. "Y-Yeah." Calum said, putting the pan into the oven and smiling. "And no kissing while i'm here. I'm already weirded out that your dating my sister." "Michael." You hit his shoulder as he smirked. "Just keep it in your pants, Cal." "MICHAEL, OUT!" You pushed him as he laughed, leaving.



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